From last i heard, my friend did an interview with Peter and He sounded very wierd about the situation

Apparently he was like " ITs up to martin if he wants to stay in the band now, it's not us. We are waiting, but we cant wait forever."
more or less thats what he said.

So yeah, thats what i know.
I'm a relatively long-time Opeth fan (since MAYH), but I've never seen them live. They're coming to Phoenix Wednesday, and I'm actually having second thoughts about going to the show because Martin won't be there. His unmatched brilliance on the kit (unmatched at least in the Metal genre) is a major reason Opeth is so great. I guess I better go anyway, just in case they break up in six months and I never have a chance to see them again... :rolleyes:

I've never heard replacement dude play, but from the descriptions I've heard, I don't think I'll be impressed at all. Just sounds like another metal drummer. Please tell me I'm wrong...
The Leper said:
From last i heard, my friend did an interview with Peter and He sounded very wierd about the situation

Apparently he was like " ITs up to martin if he wants to stay in the band now, it's not us. We are waiting, but we cant wait forever."
more or less thats what he said.

So yeah, thats what i know.

scoutmasterdave said:
I've never heard replacement dude play, but from the descriptions I've heard, I don't think I'll be impressed at all. Just sounds like another metal drummer. Please tell me I'm wrong...

Yep, pretty much spot on. Good on him for stepping in to help out but I hope to Satan he isn't the Lopez replacement. Opeth with Axenrot when I saw them compared to Opeth with Lopez on Lamentations DVD... well, no comparison. I won't go to see them with Axenrot again.

I don't think Lopez is coming back. You don't get "radio silence" for this length of time on such an important issue unless something is fucked. I'm just getting used to the idea while I wait for the official announcement.
Im sceptical about the blood disorder thing (this time around). I remember reading a report (forgive me if im wrong) when Hoglan had to step up cos Lopez had panic / anxiety attacks about playing live and went home.

Perhaps its same this time (only worse) and the poor bugger has plunged into depression - simply has lost the enthusiasm.

I can only hope im wrong.
JoeVice said:
do you think that their intentions are to mislead people? is that what this is all about?

I don't know. Well shit man! Unless you know nothing of his drumming, the sound of the band is totally different without him. If people are so caught up in the aura of Opeth that I guess this doesn't matter then I'm happy for you.
Pauly's metalheads said:
I don't know. Well shit man! Unless you know nothing of his drumming, the sound of the band is totally different without him. If people are so caught up in the aura of Opeth that I guess this doesn't matter then I'm happy for you.

oh man, it does fucking suck that he is not with opeth. he is a super important part of the band. but, if people are so caught up in the aura of opeth, that they assume the members of the band have no right to a private personal life, and that they are responsible for explaining themselves, shame on the fans.
I don't know, I just get this feeling that Lopez isn't coming back. :( I mean, he hasn't drummed since, what, June/July? It's been 8 months already, I think we would have heard something by now. I guess in a way we have SOMETHING regarding the situation, when you consider what Mike said in an interview a while back (the one where he said if Martin doesn't come back then Axenrot will be the new drummer) and the recent interview with Peter that The Leper's friend did saying the same thing.... that at this point it's Martin's decision if he wants to come back to the band.

The phrase "it's up to him whether or not he wants to come back" really makes me think that it isn't about the whole "blood disorder" thing anymore. Maybe Martin is better but he doesn't have the will to play in the band? Maybe it's drugs, maybe it's depression/anxiety, who knows. All we can do now is speculate.... and that totally sucks. :(