Where is the Testament Website?!


Ruled By The Riff
Aug 22, 2005
Manchester/New England
Where is it?! 3 weeks after the album is out and it's still in maintenance mode?!! It should have been ready to go the second the album dropped. This is beyond ridiculous!
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I guess it comes down to whose doing it.
I tried to look on their FB page but as you can imagine they have shitloads of posts and I got sick of checking.
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But I'd have thought someone would have asked about the website. I gave up looking when I got to April 20 but I didn't see anything.

The are pushing the PuckHucky(?) stuff on FB
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I honestly can't figure out what's going on. It was all fucked up for at least weeks before the album even came out. I know people that make websites from scratch. This is weird.

So they aren't even pushing new album merch?
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Ask Zetro :)

I think its new season puckhucky stuff because Overkill had some recently and Exodus have got what I think is a new Baloff one
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Given the background image has been updated to represent the new cover it seems they are doing something, it's just really weird with the time frame. The new Puckhcky merch sales goes to the PH website, which I think is the same for Exodus and Overkill, I don't think either of those bands sell PH from their own site. But the merch links for the album etc from FB go directly to NB's shop page. I don't remember if the shop on the Testament website went direct to NB or not. I know Chuck's sale a few months back was handled off site. So it does appear they are still trading, just not from their own site.
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Testament had a couple different links for merch. One was NB, one was Puckhocky and one was JSR Direct?
Chucks shop was part of Testaments site. I have it bookmarked and you get Legions when you click on it. That had said coming back for a months and never did.
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The main page of the old site is still there and it's got a heap of gigs on it so my guess is they threw it in Maintenance mode rather than put up a shitload of cancelled. Poor form but it does save effort.

Fuck it's taken me 10 mins to write this because of this home school BS.

Anyway what I found is that if you just go to testamentlegions.com (google etc defaults to testamentlegions.com/site you get the old page. There is still no contact details but https://www.facebook.com/msanthropemetal is Ms. A Metal's FB which could be used as a contact
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Chuck's taking a stand!. After that interview the other day that showed him as a whiny little bitch throwing all the blame at Will he's standing up and saying screw everyone.
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