Where to find really cheap flights to Europe?

there was some airline mr. absent wrote about once ... based out of Germany I believe, and with flights out of not-so major cities in the US and Canada ... but I can't recall the name of it ... good prices though from what I remember.

if you are planning to fly in the middle of the summer though ... good luck
Found a ton of great ones, $219 Boston - Paris, Iceland air.

Not sketchy, just have to be flexible and un-conventional. So money.
i saw something on the news last night about "y-up" fares ... if you search online for airline tickets ... under FIRST CLASS ... sometimes these pop-up ... what are they? first class tickets at coach prices ...

but you have to search by FIRST CLASS.
I just go with Expedia...

...but Tully, you do realize that you're better off going to London and THEN buying connecting flights to other Euro locations.

Always always always use London as your "home base".
Found a ton of great ones, $219 Boston - Paris, Iceland air.

Not sketchy, just have to be flexible and un-conventional. So money.

Icelandair is great, but some of their planes are fucking TINY (I mean when it comes to seats and room and stuff). I'd say go for it... obviously you're going to have to stop in Iceland, but there's nothing wrong with that. Just looking out the window and seeing stuff when you land is a cool bonus.
JayKeeley said:
I just go with Expedia...

...but Tully, you do realize that you're better off going to London and THEN buying connecting flights to other Euro locations.

Always always always use London as your "home base".

Thats what I thought, untill I found all these alternative-travel type things. Airhitch, couriers, etc. for ultramegacheapo.
Thats what I thought, untill I found all these alternative-travel type things. Airhitch, couriers, etc. for ultramegacheapo.

Yeah ok, but for the most part, you'll get amazingly cheap flights out of London to anywhere in Europe, whether it be on RyanAir or some other 2nd tier airline. I've known people getting roundtrip flights to Spain or Greece for $40 US, no lie.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah ok, but for the most part, you'll get amazingly cheap flights out of London to anywhere in Europe, whether it be on RyanAir or some other 2nd tier airline. I've known people getting roundtrip flights to Spain or Greece for $40 US, no lie.

Yea I know, thats how I got to Europe for my backpacking trip. Boston > London then EasyJet/Eurail.
EasyJet...that's the other airline I was thinking of!! Cool, ok so you know the ropes. For some reason, I didn't know you had backpacked around Europe. When was that then?
JayKeeley said:
EasyJet...that's the other airline I was thinking of!! Cool, ok so you know the ropes. For some reason, I didn't know you had backpacked around Europe. When was that then?

Hmmm, 2004, summertime. Was a good time, haha. Easy jet + Heathrow is a good option right now to, just lookin' at everything.