Orion Crystal Ice
Rider of the Astral Fire
I would say 'Morningrise' and 'My Arms, Your Hearse'. 'Morningrise' is far and away my favorite, while it may sound random at times I find it has the strongest structures in a row of any of their albums, and the bass work adds such an amazing extra dimension. The atmosphere is still lively on that one, whereas I find it to be stale-sounding on something like 'Deliverance', and the songs just plain move me. 'MAYH' is where they start with their wall-of-guitar-noise thing but I think it's the peak of it. Yes, 'Blackwater Park' does seem to be the most popular but it's too inconsistent for me. I love half of it and the other half makes me comatose. At this point, I wish they would find some new scales and stuff to write in on guitar, or at least do something else within their niche, because musically IMO it's been totally boring most of the time on the heavy stuff for the past few albums. On the other hand, the soft prog rock sound they've been throwing in sounds better and better....and with that I will also suggest 'Damnation'..