Where you got your nickname from....(or what it means)

I was trying to think of a name, but I couldn't. My name is Emily and my sister calls me "Em," so, eh. In other words, a complete lack of imagination and effort.
Well there's this book, "Magician: Apprentice" by Raymond E. Feist. There is a dwarf mine called Mac Mordain Cadal, so I just took the two latter words and turned them around. Then after I noticed that one irc server wouldn't accept CadalMordain 'cause it was too long, I chopped it to CadalMord.
It comes from something that can also cast death coil and has a unholy aura. He is a hero and runs on a horse... also refered to as a DK. haha deathpact is a spell cast on undead, killing it and giving its life ,or HP to be more correct, to the DK :P I think he fits nicely into the metal genre
I came up with mine, well I sorta copied Bodom After Midnight, but baisically, it means waking up to a fresh cup of COB.......as long as it isnt AYDY. :ill: