Where's my SymX CD!?!?!?!

Mar 29, 2004
Okay, so I'm pissed off 'cause I can't count on a large military contractor to do their freakin' job, I'm probably going to lose a contract with one of the largest companies in N. America because their IT $%&#wads don't understand that Microsoft isn't the ONLY $%&#ing software developer out there, and apparently two full time jobs isn't enough to keep the family from bitching about not getting everything they $&#*ing want 'cause they're greedy little shits.

So I go into my studio to drag The Odyssey off my CD shelves AND IT'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Panic begins to set in... Then I start to calm down because I can always buy another copy. Then I start getting pissed all over again 'cause someone came in my studio and stole from me!!!! I'm stomping around and notice the boy's bedroom door is closed and locked. I knock on the door - no answer. I unlock his bedroom door, push it open...

...and he's listening to The Odyssey with his headphones on. I could'a cried I was so proud. :headbang:

[update... now he's running around holding a bar stool up to his chest with the four legs pointing out yelling, "Milk me!" Level of pride diminishing... o_O ]
I was so shocked by the whole stool thing, I didn't have time to slap it out of his hands! :lol:

Although my daughter is really into playing my piano and drums, she's just started getting into playing one of my backup guitars. The boy just doesn't seem to have any interest - though him sneaking my SymX disc out is a good sign. :)

He also just asked me if he could listen to some of my other discs or if I could buy some for him. All that other crap I was complaining about seems so irrelevant now. :loco:
That's great man!

I was concerned for my little brother who was starting to get into an unhealthy taste of techno and dance music, but one day he took disc 2 of Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence and listened to it, and now he is constantly coming into my room asking to borrow more cd's, or if i've bought any new cds... He likes most of them, but he really loves the Ayreon cd's which is fine with me... He learns piano atm, but he really wants to learn bass. He watches my Steve Vai dvd and wants to be like Billy Sheehan... :lol: Good luck to him...
:lol: @ that story.. when I saw the title for a split second i thought "oh lord!", but being from fossil i KNEW it had to be funny..

After I entered that post, I started reading the messages from the last few days and realized the title probably wasn't the best. :lol: But when you go in to edit posts, it doesn't let you change the title so it was too little too late.

IcedDog said:
I thought it was gonna be about how he didn't get a promo of Paradise Lost

:lol: Naw, we don't typically get promos from established bands unless they're REALLY pissed at their label.
That's great man!

I was concerned for my little brother who was starting to get into an unhealthy taste of techno and dance music, but one day he took disc 2 of Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence and listened to it, and now he is constantly coming into my room asking to borrow more cd's, or if i've bought any new cds... He likes most of them, but he really loves the Ayreon cd's which is fine with me... He learns piano atm, but he really wants to learn bass. He watches my Steve Vai dvd and wants to be like Billy Sheehan... :lol: Good luck to him...

Oooooo... techno and dance music. Hrmmm... :erk:

It's a good sign he's coming to his senses. :headbang:
He just brought in a bunch of friends to listen to "his new CD." The assimilation has begun.

Although, I told him I'd buy him one. Not sure when it became "his new CD."

I'd say to just go and let him have it and go buy yourself a new copy! Nice that his is listening to "good" music, and did not fall into that horrible wasteland that is rap and hip-hop.
My brother never caught on to my music no matter how loud I play it... Maybe he's just trying to be different and not like his older brother 'cause I know he loves jazz fusion like Miles Davis and he's heard me listening to jazz fusion but never was like "who was that? can I borrow some of your CDs"... deep inside he probably likes some other stuff I listen to but doesn't want to admit it... oh well, can't argue what someone else likes.
my kid started off cool.. into the edguy and ayreon and stuff.. and now im horribly horribly disappointed.. he now only wants to listen to 'offspring' :puke: (mainly only because they say the word 'shit' in their lyrics, which he finds incredibly amusing) god help us all!
The assimilation has begun.

Masses, ARISE!

@Iced Dog... nice signature, I can see what you've been listening to. :p

He learns piano atm, but he really wants to learn bass.

You mean YOU want him to learn bass.:lol:

On a side note, it's funny that over on perth related music forums (and everywhere in general), people bash bassists all the time, and now looking at perthbands.com, the first page of threads in the musicians needed section is about 60-70% bassist requirements. :lol:

I'd say to just go and let him have it and go buy yourself a new copy! Nice that his is listening to "good" music, and did not fall into that horrible wasteland that is rap and hip-hop.

Yeah man, you just saved a life from ghetting wasted in the ghetto. :p
Let him have the CD, and hook him up with some older SymX too!
my kid started off cool.. into the edguy and ayreon and stuff.. and now im horribly horribly disappointed.. he now only wants to listen to 'offspring' :puke: (mainly only because they say the word 'shit' in their lyrics, which he finds incredibly amusing) god help us all!

Some off Offspring's early stuff wasn't too bad (especially when compared to the other crap that was flooding the genre at the time)... I'm over that phase in my youth though. haha.