Where's the football talk???


Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
My Falcons are going to the playoffs, baby! Where's the love?

Dimitroff, Smith, Ryan, Turner... looks like those were exactly the changes we need. Now I'm just hoping we don't find out one of them tortures kittens or something. :p

Not first. Caroliana wins the NFC South. Nevertheless a good season.
Turns out the Falcon receiving core CAN catch after all.
Very happy the Falcons won yesterday. Chewing my nails for the Bears/Packers game tonight, which I won't see, because I'll be stuck at work, and I just had my cable TV disconnected (by choice)
Well, I am rooting for the Pack. I have sort of adopted them... though that didn't work out so well the last part of this season. :(

Strange though it may be, I am kinda rooting for Tampa Bay (and of course New Orleans so the Falcons would win the division, but I don't want to be too greedy :D)... I think it would be kinda cool to have 3 NFC South teams make the playoffs. :)

I took Urban to his first football game courtesy of a co-worker's wonderful husband to see the Falcons kick the Panthers' asses. Hope to be able to take him to a college game next year, along with my mom. (Life's too short. If there's any way we can afford it and she's healthy enough, we are so going to go see Bama... on their way to a national championship, I hope!)

I am SO about football right now. :) And in complete limbo at work with NOTHING to do. :p
oh great a thread on the best sport in the world: SOCCER! Oops....I gather this is about AMERICAN Football. Not a fan, not at all. Me gonna go play soccer now!
Well, I am rooting for the Pack. I have sort of adopted them... though that didn't work out so well the last part of this season. :(

Strange though it may be, I am kinda rooting for Tampa Bay (and of course New Orleans so the Falcons would win the division, but I don't want to be too greedy :D)... I think it would be kinda cool to have 3 NFC South teams make the playoffs. :)

I took Urban to his first football game courtesy of a co-worker's wonderful husband to see the Falcons kick the Panthers' asses. Hope to be able to take him to a college game next year, along with my mom. (Life's too short. If there's any way we can afford it and she's healthy enough, we are so going to go see Bama... on their way to a national championship, I hope!)

I am SO about football right now. :) And in complete limbo at work with NOTHING to do. :p

Cheering for the (Fudge) Packers?!!! Say it ain't so! I may live in Chesseland, but I'm a Bears fan, although my loyalty of 35+ years is waning...
Speaking of waning, I always cheer for the Cubs too..... :heh:

So did Urban have fun? Were you in a nice, rowdy section? :)

oh great a thread on the best sport in the world: SOCCER! Oops....I gather this is about AMERICAN Football. Not a fan, not at all. Me gonna go play soccer now!

PFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTT! I seriously can not stand soccer. I think its a generational thing. When in America, there is only one kind of football! :headbang:

/lisp mode "on"

Soccer, it's a kick in the grass..."

/lisp mode "off"

Blech! Bah! :heh:
Not first. Caroliana wins the NFC South. Nevertheless a good season.
Turns out the Falcon receiving core CAN catch after all.

If Atlanta beats the Rams and Carolina loses to the Saints next week, Atlanta will win the NFC South based on some quirky NFL tiebreaker.
Any happy football talk died for me when The Eagles once again decided that passing 48 times and running 16 times was a good ratio in a one touchdown game on which your playoff life depended. Not that they deserve to make the playoffs this year, but for a time, we fans could happily delude ourselves that they were on a crucial late run that would transfer to the playoffs, a la the 2007 Giants. Not to be. At least I can watch the playoffs without a rooting interest.

There really are a shortage of top teams in the NFC. I don't buy the Giants as a juggernaut. I think they are a good team that played well late last year. I don't think they win it all this year.

Tampa is in a downward spiral. I can't believe that they'll likely make the playoffs.

Atlanta is surprising. That running game is a killer. I think they make it far enough to lose to Carolina.

I'm glad Urban made to his first game. Now you need to take him up to Philly, and have him wear the opposing team's jersey. . . or just a Dallas TO jersey. THAT will be his true test!

Steve in Philly
Cheering for the (Fudge) Packers?!!! Say it ain't so! I may live in Chesseland, but I'm a Bears fan, although my loyalty of 35+ years is waning...
Speaking of waning, I always cheer for the Cubs too..... :heh:

So did Urban have fun? Were you in a nice, rowdy section? :)

Well, looks like my cheering didn't sway things... your Bears are still in it! But good grief, they need a quarterback, and i'm sick of hearing about how bad they need a quarterback!! :loco:

We sat with some older white folks who didn't say a word to us on one side, and a couple of black guys on the other who were high-fiving us the whole time, so yes and no. :)

(P.S. The Cubbies were always my mom's #2 team, so that means they're mine too... except when they're playing the Braves. :D)

There really are a shortage of top teams in the NFC. I don't buy the Giants as a juggernaut. I think they are a good team that played well late last year. I don't think they win it all this year.

Tampa is in a downward spiral. I can't believe that they'll likely make the playoffs.

Atlanta is surprising. That running game is a killer. I think they make it far enough to lose to Carolina.

Tampa is just lucky enough to pull out some big plays and win some games, IMO. Their defense is not what it used to be, and I'm wondering if Gruden isn't still riding Dungy's coattails a little bit. We'll see what their defense looks like the next few years.

If Atlanta secures home field, though, I say we can beat Carolina. They did not look good in ATL (outside of parts of the 2nd and 3rd quarters). They had something like 3 false starts on one drive when they were down by "my" end zone. :heh:

I don't think Atlanta (or the Giants for that matter) are *that* good, but Atlanta at least is fun to watch. I hope they can turn into the dominant NFC team... it sure looks possible. We're going to need some more defense first, though, too.

I'm glad Urban made to his first game. Now you need to take him up to Philly, and have him wear the opposing team's jersey. . . or just a Dallas TO jersey. THAT will be his true test!

lmao, yeah right! Then we'll go to oakland and he'll wear a Denver jersey... what's left of him!!

It's a shame there's no way for a Miami - Tennessee final. I'd love to see two quarterbacks that have been tossed aside so many times duke it out for the trophy even if that meant the Giants weren't in it. Oh well, I'll at least root for Miami thrashing the Jets next week and that Dallas manages not to make it to the playoffs.
I have once again jumped nto the Falcons' bandwagon for another plyoff run!
My main team(and most favorite sports franchise EVER), the Dallas Cowboys, are struggling mightily just to earn a playoff berth this year. We shall see.......