Which album is your favorite of these bands?

Feb 11, 2002
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Anthrax ?
Iced Earth?
Suicidal Tendencies?
If you have no opinion or have not heard the stuff thats okay too. Just curious :)
Anthrax-P.O.T. (my favorite this week any anthrax is good)
Suicidal Tendencies- How Will I Laugh Tomorrow...
Slayer-God Hates Us All
Misfits-Box Set

I'm sorry if I did not phrase the question well enough but which album from each band that they have do you like the best?
Mine are
Anthrax, Sound of White Noise
Megadeth Peace Sells
Met, Ride the Lightning
Slayer, South of Heaven
Overkill, Hello from the gutter
Manowar Triumph of Steel
Iced Earth, Dark Saga
Misfits Famous Monsters
Suicidal, Lights, Camera, Revolution
anthrax - amoung the living
megadeth - killing is my business.....and business is good
tallica - RTL
slayer - reign in blood
iced earth - dark saga
misfits - collection I

the rest i havent listend to

Metallica-Kill em All
Slayer-Reign in Blood
Misfits-Earth AD
Suicidal Tendancies-Suicidal Tendancies

Be honest with you, I like just about everything Anthrax, Slayer, The Misfits and Suicidal have done. It's hard to pick just one. Except for Stomp, the other albums are the first ones I heard by those bands, so they tend to be the ones I wax most nostalgic about. The other bands on the list I never really got into.....

Anthrax: Volume 8
Megadeth: Countdown To Extinction
Slayer: Seasons In The Abyss
Misfits: American Psycho
Iced Earth dont know, Richard Christy´s great
Metallica: Load or RTL, but the best song is Dyers Eve
Manowar dont know, some songs from Hail To England are OK
Suicidal: Lights Camera Revolution and Join The Army

have I forgotten anything? How about Judas Priest, it´s Painkiller + Jugulator!

1) Anthrax "Among The Living"
2) Megadeth "Countdown To Extinction"
3) Metallica "...And Justice For All"
4) Slayer "Reign In Blood"
5) Overkill "From The Underground And Below"
6) Manowar "Kings Of Metal"
7) Iced Earth "Something wicked this way comes"
8) Misfits "Famous Monsters"
9) Suicidal Tendencies "Lights Camera Revolution"


Thrashard (the ant in bRaTpRiNcEsSes shoe)
I used to use "Bring Me Down" to get me out of bed every morning in school. I especially like the rant at the end.

Just cause you don't understand what's going on
don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it
don't mean it ain't no good....

Anthrax ? Everything w/ bush
Megadeth? Rust In Peace
Metallica? Master/Ride
Slayer? Reign In Blood/Seasons
Overkill? ?????? No offense, just never dug 'em
Manowar? see overkill
Iced Earth? see manowar
Misfits? Boxed Set
Suicidal Tendencies? Art of Rebellion
Anthrax- Among the Living
Megadeth- Rust in Peace
Metallica- Justice
Slayer- Seasons
Suicidial Tendencies- Lights...Camera....
I don't know enough about the other bands to have a fav album
Anthrax: Among The Living, only album I have but it's damn good!
Megadeth: Their albums bored me, maybe I haven't listened to them enough times. Some great songs here and there though :)
Metallica: Master Of Puppets, again, only album in the house!
Slayer: Reign In Blood
Overkill: Never heard these guys
Manowar: Battle Hymns
Iced Earth: Erm....Dark Saga and their cover of Transylvania are real good ;)

Haven't heard anything by the last two bands either.
Anthrax - Sound of White Noise
Megadeth - Peace Sells
Metallica- Ride the Lightning
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Overkill - Years of Decay
Manowar - they totally suck & can not be taken seriously
Iced Earth - Dark Saga
Misfits - ?
Suicidal Tendencies- How Can I Laugh...?
Anthrax - "Among The Living"

Megadeth - "So Far, So Good...So What"

Metallica - "Kill 'em All"

Slayer - "South of Heaven"

Overkill - "Horrorscope"

Manowar - "Battle Hymns"

Iced Earth - "Horror Show"

Misfits - Never heard them, I'm I missing out?

Suicidal Tendencies - "Lights Camera Revolution"
I cant believe I was not corrected, in my drunken stupor the other night I listed the Overkill album as Hello from the gutter when actually that song is on the CD Under the Influence. I cant believe I didnt get a thousand flames for my ignorance...you all are so polite:)
The Misfits ruled! Check out Plan 9, or any of the above posts for favorite Misfits records.
The are/were GREAT!