Which Avrial Lavigne song are you?


Sep 11, 2002
Hey! Since I know everybody here loves Avril, I should share this great quiz with you!
Take it Here!

I saw Avril Lavignge live last week. No seriously I did, and she sucked. I didn't pay for the ticket and I got free beer out of the deal so it was almost worth it.

"Better get a bucket." hahahahahaha...
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
But wouldn't she have to shut her mouth in the first place before you put the duct tape on? Seriously, has anyone ever seen a picture of her with her mouth closed?

HELL YES! Every time I see a magazine cover with her on it, her mouth is open. Easy way to close it is make her gag with a foreign member...;)
Damn, I just don't know why everyone is infatuated with this sorry-excuse for a punk-chick! I hear all these people saying that Avril is so punk and awesome, and they're making this judgment based on her looks. Punk is a label thrown around by people who don't even know the meaning. Punk isn't just a fashion statement -- it's an attitude, a state of mind, and a lifestyle. Blink 182 is more punk than Avril is, and that's pathetic. She's just another pop princess in different packaging.

My favorite avatar of Avril Latrine...
