What soul-dragon are you?


You are an Angelic Dragon. The rarest of the rare, you are wise, terrible, and beautiful all at the same time. The angels freed you from your bondage so that you may destroy evil in the universe. You can do well on your own but prefer company. Though you are blessed you show strange fascination and almost reverence for all things dark. Temptation is everywhere for you and you must be sure not to fall into the traps set for you by the demons who wish to destroy you.
wierd yet accuracte :lol:
Susie said:
Hey did anyone else get demon dragon?:zombie: hahaha everyone got lovely things like angelic, and forest, and oooooooothe fruits of love fuckin dragon hahha and look what i got :muahaha:

i got fire dragon :P
SculptedCold said:
It's ok dude, i'm the only Storm Dragon.


You are a Storm Dragon. You are angry, bitter, and sorrowful. You let the world know this with every tornado, monsoon, and hurricane you create with your temper tantrums. This can be good in some situations, like if your brother the fire dragon decides to go on a flaming spree. You detest company and often fight with other dragons that you come into contact with. Try and keep a positive outlook, life's not all rain and clouds.

Cool quiz Malicious....the pics are damn good for MS Paint!!

erm......'Marco Polo' though? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[edit] heh, i've just realised they actually look more like horses than dragons....but that's cool. It's your imagination right? :p

Hey, I am Storm Dragon too :Smug:
And it's true what it says :lol:
Here is my final result :grin:

You are a Demon Dragon.​
You are one of the oldest and wisest dragons in​
existence. You choose to live in hell because​
it is the only place warm enough for you. You​
are wise and are often a pacifist despite your​
terrifying outward appearance. The fact that​
people tend to prejudge you often frustrates​
you, but dont fret you are not alone. You​
travel in packs and there are plenty of other​
dragons that share you convictions.

You are an Angelic Dragon. The rarest of the rare, you are wise, terrible, and beautiful all at the same time. The angels freed you from your bondage so that you may destroy evil in the universe. You can do well on your own but prefer company. Though you are blessed you show strange fascination and almost reverence for all things dark. Temptation is everywhere for you and you must be sure not to fall into the traps set for you by the demons who wish to destroy you.


kisses n pixiedust