what type of vampire are you?

Your Results:
Forgotten Vampire of The Night
You are such a good person!ou always followed the rules. Yet even with your sweet dispostion you are here in your sell. You've become greater then humans, but still feel as one and will do all in your power not to become
Avengful Vampire of the City

You have been wronged so many ways. This, as you see it, is your chance to set your anger free once and for all! Whomever dishonor or embarass you will have to pay for such a mistake with their life!


Vampire of Seduction

Who say's killing cant be fun? As lovly as you are, you must be the Love god/ess of Vampires everywere. The opposite as well as the same sex are oeverwhelmed by you. You play with their senses before you puncture to the death.​
Does that mean I kill my victims with Barry White in the background? Hey thats cool with me. eheheh

Forgotten Vampire of The NightYou are such a good person!ou always followed the rules. Yet even with your sweet dispostion you are here in your sell. You've become greater then humans, but still feel as one and will do all in your power not to become.

so i'm a nice person (i already knew that) or as they call us.. an idiot.
Vampire of Seduction
Who say's killing cant be fun? As lovly as you are, you must be the Love god/ess of Vampires everywere. The opposite as well as the same sex are oeverwhelmed by you. You play with their senses before you puncture to the death.

Avengful Vampire of the City
You have been wronged so many ways. This as you see it, is your chance to set your anger free for once and all! Whomever dishonor or embarass you will have to pay for such a mistake with their life!
Masterbating and self pleasure!
MMMMMM......Who cares if i have over 10 partners in a week, or a month? I use condoms! what do you think i am? dirty? I love pushing the piper, saying help to my moster. I have or am willing to try every sexual postion. Im studying Kama Sutra right now.
Your Results:
Saving up for a getta way to an exotic island

Mmmm, spice filled air sitting on the beach with a towel beneth sipping cocnut milk. The one i love by my side im not sure how i could be happier. The sun, waves, scuba diving even. I would'nt mind opening a little bar or shop in your spare time. Just give me a hamock a, a plane ticket and you got the happiest person alive.

i think this last one
  • Friends and Family We love eachother. (You scored 2)
  • Saving up for a getta way to an exotic island (You scored 4)
  • Friends man parents suck. (You scored 4)
  • Drugs. Only thing that makes me wana live (You scored 1)
  • Masterbating and self pleasure! (You scored 1)
  • Im suicidal, im killing myself tomarrow. (You scored 1)
is only a result of this persons english... i mean... cocnut milk?
Don't be suicidal, kill yourself tomato!

Question 6: Who sucks?

(a) my friends
(b) my man
(c) my friend's man
(d) my man's friends
(e) my parents
(f) my friend's parents
(g) my man's parents
(h) my parents' friends