how truly depressed are you?

Your Results:
Suicidally Depressed
You are longing to kill yourself, you slit your wrists, not for fun, but because you want the world to see your pain

Not Really Depressed
You live in the grayish part of life and see things often in white. You're happy, and you like to comfort your hurting friends.

That's utter shit. Yeah, I like to comfort hurting friends very much but there is no one more depressed than me. Certain situations make it much worse but the baseline depressioin is always the same. It's just when you get to my age you learn how to carry on with it and look and sound like you're not depressed (in general), and learn to not talk about it much in a direct kind of way.
You got to face it at some point that it's never going away and that enjoying and loving life is something that occurs continually but doesn't affect or remove depression at all. They co-exist.
It would be nice if it was different, but it's not. The bigger problem with it is just other people who have the problem with it, they just can't accept darkness in people, and they expect you to perform for them a certain way, instead of them dealing with it, or accepting that some people are just this way. That's why acting like you're not is essential, but that just becomes something you just have to do for your own sanity ultimately, anyways. But when people get too close they see it and can't handle it.
P.S. If a FRIEND had not influenced me to go off my psych meds. (because I trusted his opinion and advice about this) I would NEVER have come to know how sick they were making me. They were at least 50% of my multiple chemical sensivity illness, which at that level put me in a constant state of Crohn's diease activity as well. I am so much better now, in full remission from Crohn's withOUT medication as well, so far recovered from both, and it was completely destroying my life for years at the time. It's hard living with chronic depression but it's better this way, and it was necessary. AND I COULD NEVER THANK HIM ENOUGH.

By the way, I have no doubt that he was fully aware of that at the time. He just knew the way to get me off of them because he knew how much I respected him, that i would listen to him, allow myself to be influenced by him this way.
*loves him for this*
yeah, you know what else it was aside from the fact that i respected his opinion about it, I just really admired the hell out of him for being able to handle his own stuff without medication. I just admired him so much, i thought he was so strong for it, and this is another reason why I went off of them.
Which Spice Girl Are You?
created by slimshady_butterfly

Your Results:
Posh spice (Victoria)
You my friend are most like posh spice. youre sophisticated, fun loving, and a really nice person (deapite what people may think). you love to hang out and have fun and you always look good. some people think youre just a rich snob, but youre actually a nice, fun person

nooooooooo! not posh! oh god, now I have to kill myself...