What type of movies do you like?


The Secrecies of Horror
Jul 14, 2004
What type of movies do you watch most? What are some of your favorite movies? What movies do you hate?

I'll start. My favorite type of movie is horror, and my favorite sub-genre of horror is the zombie movie. Some of my favorite movies (not all zombies): Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, Carnival of Souls, Willow, Silence of the Lambs, Hellraiser, Nightmare on Elm Street. Some of my least favorite movies: anything with Tara Reid in it. The shittiest movie I've ever seen: Nail Gun Massacre.
to get an idea... favorite movies are Anchorman, Twice Told Tales, Night of the Living Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Dead Alive, Evil Dead, The Labyrinth, Saving Private Ryan, House of Wax (original), House on Haunted Hill (original), The Fly (original, once again), Interview with a Vampire, Comedians of Comedy, god, I love alot of movies... um......... I hated White Chicks, Open Water...
Will Bozarth said:
The Fly (original, once again)

This is one instance where I believe the remake is far superior to the original.

And speaking of, some of my favorite movies are Cronenberg films: The Fly, Scanners, Videodrome, Dead ringers, Naked Lunch, The Dead Zone.

I'm addicted to Netflix and watch far too many movies, so I'll toss out a few of my favorites that come to mind.

Really big on Dario Argento's stuff, particularly Suspiria, Opera, Phenomena

Fulci: House by the Cemetary, Zombi 2

Chan Wook Park's Revenge Trilogy (Oldboy, Mr., & Lady Vengeance)

Dawn of the Dead (ORIGINAL) , Evil Dead 1 & 2 ( nuts to ARMY OF DARKNESS), more stuff with zombies

John Carpenter's They Live, The Thing, Prince of Darkness, The Fog, In the Mouth of Madness

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is one of the greatest movies ever.

but Groundhog's Day is THE greatest movie ever.
i dont see many movies, yet the ones i do i invariably love.

scarface would probably be my favorite release here, auf wiedersehen lenin or der untergang my fav foreign films
Those who know me know im a bit of a geek when it comes to movies and television. I like a fair amount of scifi, like the original star wars trilogy (those 3 recent pieces of crap are not star wars to me), serenity, wing commander (not really) and the stargate movie. alternatively i like comedies, like kung pow (greatest movie ever? maybe.), dogma, and a bunch of other ones im forgetting. I recently saw Boondock Saints for the first time, and it was awesome.
Pretty much anything. I don't stick to genre, I like to mix it up. If it's original, well written, directed and acted - I'll watch it.

I watch a fair load of stuff thats badly written, utterly cliched, poorly directed and acted all the time too, though. :lol:
I've only seen Don't Look Now once, and while I definitely appreciated it, I didn't give it my full attention. I need to get back to it sometime. This is the type of movie I love to watch though, crazy psychological horror/thrillers

I think I may have seen the Sentinel, I've been considering renting it lately because I'm not really sure if I ever have or not.
Definitely check out the Sentinel; if you're into Suspiria and Don't Look Now, you'll like it. The ending of the movie is totally fucking crazy...sideshow freaks and dead people everywhere. It's almost a sensory overload.
I'm into pretty much everything besides teen movie type things. I'm the type of person that hated 'napolean dynamite' though i've only seen it once so maybe it deserves a second viewing.. Primarily sci-fi, human condition examinations, 'fuck with your head' movies. Also Japanese cinema.

Some of my favs: Goodfellas, Blade Runner, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Matrix, Coffee and Cigarettes, Eraserhead, Audtition, Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer, The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, American History X, Pi, Akira, American Beauty, American Psycho, Clerks, Adaptation, Battle Royale..
If its Comedy, I probably have some interest. Otherwise I watch a lot of Documentaries, and as Derek said, well writen movies.

Mel Brooks still wins.
I'm also a bit of a movie buff. I like pretty much everything except chick flicks and the new japanese horror stuff. Japs just ain't scary to me. My favorite movies are historical epics and war films with fantasy flicks (Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, etc.) a close second.

But nothing beats lesbian porn.