What type of movies do you like?

I love movies that make you say, "WTF?!" Some of my favorite directors:

David Lynch
Ingmar Bergman
Jan Svankmajer
Brothers Quay
Darren Aronofsky
Christopher Nolan
All Vivid Video movies. In fact, I'm wearing one of their tees now.

I have a feeling they're WD's favorites too since he ALWAYs wears that Vivid hat.
I'm not really huge into movies, but I've been getting into them a little bit over the last year.

I've really started liking works of Bergman (En Passion & Skammen are my favorites so far), and Kubrick (for making such a wide variety of masterpiece films across a huge range of genres, examples: sci-fi (2001), a historical period film (Barry Lyndon), distopian (Clockwork Orange), war film (Full Metal Jacket) etc. etc.)

I'll agree with Chromie with The Life Aquatic being probably one of the best comedies ever.

I'll also watch generally off the wall stuff, just for the hell of it. Try David Lynch's Eraserhead sometime. You'll wish you hadn't, but do it just because I told you to.

I also really enjoyed Orson Welles rendition of Kafka's novel "The Trial". That reminds me that I still need to read that. Dammit.
MajestikMøøse said:
I'll also watch generally off the wall stuff, just for the hell of it. Try David Lynch's Eraserhead sometime. You'll wish you hadn't, but do it just because I told you to.

I just received 3 shiny discs of Twin Peaks from Netflix the other day...can't wait until I can sit down and watch them. Haven't seen Eraserhead yet but I've heard about it from a friend; I'll have to check it out.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
most anything horror, excluding zombies and slashers. thrillers, films noir, comedies, classic dramas...

even Dementia 13? :lol:

Cephaldelaihriharapod - I own Nosferatu, and I don't think I've watched the entire thing. I always manage to fall asleep. I like it, but... I fall asleep.
I have quite the odd taste in films, I see everything. I will go to the movies to see a bad film TWICE, just so I'm sure I hate it.

Some of the fav films are:
Fight Club, one of the coolest flicks ever and actually helped me get over alot of shit back in the day.

The first two Planet of the Apes films. Heston had this awesome SciFI hero career going for a while and these two movies are classics.

The Omega Man
Soylent Green, in sticking with my Heston obsession, these movies transcend thier slightly dated visions of the future.

Roller Ball, could have been a Heston film, but we got James Caan as the super ahtlete Johnathen E

I enjoy most well done zombie films and even a few not so well done ones.

Lots of old Cronenberg films the Fly, Dead Ringers ( brilliant movie ), Rabid, Videodrome etc.

John Carpenter, when he was hot he was on FIRE. In the Mouth of Madness, the Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from NY, They Live, Prince Of Darkness. Carpenter really worked the HP Lovecraft angle to it's fullest.

Now, since I am an unfeeling stone of a human being I find it odd that I have a soft spot for sappy stories. But occasionally these films come along and I enjoy them, Notting Hill being a very good example. There is also this movie with Ashton Kutcher that I actually like, Amanda Peet is in it. Alot of love, good sappy movie. High Fidelity sort of falls into that category too.

Comedies are high on my list also, Free Enterprise ( shatner's finest hour ), Anchorman, Tapeheads ( Cusak and Robbins rule this movie ), Dodgeball, Most Kevin Smith films and many more.

some others are:
Jacobs Ladder
Shadow of the Vampire
The Machinist
Wicker Man
Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels
The Dogs of War
The Stunt Man

I could go on all day.