What Astral creature are you?

@Mal: Well...that's not necessarily true...Satan is originally a judaic idea (though not solely) and the semites as a people go waaay back into the murky areas of prehistory, where Abraham lived among the Sumerians/Chaldeans. They are one of the oldest historically recorded people, so its hard to say they stole anything from anyone, not to mention their beliefs about origins and cataclysms are echoed in most other ancient cultures as well. As far as being like Cernunnos the 'horned one' who was not part goat but usually depicted by the Celts as being horned with antlers - Christians don't really think that the devil is some part goat monster with red skin walking around a volcanic wasteland. He is described as 'the most beautiful of angels' his name means 'the bringer of light' and he is also referred to as the 'lord of the air', and none of that matters in a corporeal sense in the modern world anyway, because metaphysics are nothing we will ever understand or be privy to, and the actual struggles take place within ourselves - I should know, I am of the aforementioned faith. :p
I'm just a simple Chimerac Religious reject, I know not what I say. Haahaa. and I have decided to post the dragon quiz, I have some time I can post it as Text then add pics later when my computer deiceds to work (I'm at school and class ended early) So once I finish 'll probably make another thread. :)
dudes, lucifer was (in classical mythology) the morning star, he was the brightest and last star to leave the sky as Titan drove his chariot across the sky. it is from here that christianity and judaism take the name Lucifer (lux, lucis - light fero, ferre, tuli latus- to bring/carry) as he was seemingly the one who came before the sun.
i'm not saying any religions are right/wrong/stealing, just that these are the facts dudes.
i need to stop saying dude, it's annoying me

kisses n pixiedust
Kinkabell said:
dudes, lucifer was (in classical mythology) the morning star, he was the brightest and last star to leave the sky as Titan drove his chariot across the sky. it is from here that christianity and judaism take the name Lucifer (lux, lucis - light fero, ferre, tuli latus- to bring/carry) as he was seemingly the one who came before the sun.
i'm not saying any religions are right/wrong/stealing, just that these are the facts dudes.
i need to stop saying dude, it's annoying me

kisses n pixiedust
You're right about the name Lucifer, especially because we have it from the greek translations of the bible on which the later latin/gaelic/english etc reproductions and translations are based. However, 'classical mythology' does not predate judaism, which goes back to Ur of the Chaldees, and before the first empires of the world ever existed. The name Lucifer was used for Satan because Lucifer's meaning was similar to that of the hebrew/aramaic what have you texts that the greek jews and later christians translated. I'm sure there is room for argument somewhere in there, but if anything, the Greeks are the ones who borrowed from the Israelites. :p

Oooh not to mention theories about part of the Greek race being made of up some of the lost Israelite tribes that were taken by the Assyrians and dispersed thererafter, which is why we only have Jews today, the House of Judah being the only part of Israel to withstand the Assyrians. There's alooot to all of it, but some people have made connections between some of these ex-israelites and the Greeks, not to mention the Japanese, Cimmerians/Scythians, Danes, Celts and the pre-Irish De Danaan peoples. :hypno:
manuelgv said:
why does Spike keep giving me bad rep?
Keeps giving them? I've only given bad rep like twice since the start of the year, and only on of them was for you.....

.....And you said something stupid! :loco: (Though I can't remember what it was for. :blush: )