What Astral creature are you?


Thank god for that :grin:
Hey, there are more humans than i expected here :) j/k

BTW, Malicious Misery, you didn't post your result, did you?

You are a Dragon. You are one of the strongest creatures in existence next to God. For your warmongering you were punished and your energy locked away. Te news isnt all bad though, if you had friends of angelic or demonic persuasion you can find a loophole in your limitations. Your personality can be anything in the spectrum, for there are many types of dragons, I suggest taking a dragon test to get into more specifics.

"Strongest creatures in existence next to God." :heh:

So, where's the dragon test? Wasn't in "TheMatsumoto's other quizzes."

You are a Dragon. You are one of the strongest creatures in existence next to God. For your warmongering you were punished and your energy locked away. Te news isnt all bad though, if you had friends of angelic or demonic persuasion you can find a loophole in your limitations. Your personality can be anything in the spectrum, for there are many types of dragons, I suggest taking a dragon test to get into more specifics.
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/T/TheMatsumoto/1075234377_QuizEraser.jpg" border="0" alt="HASH(0x87bab9c)"><br>You are an Eraser.

The rarest of all astral beings you were created<br>for the soul purpose of genocide. The task has<br>been done, the wicked have been destroyed, and<br>now your task is to aid and care for Gods<br>chosen people: the humans of earth. People have<br>a tendency not to listen to your good advice<br>and then come crying to you when everything<br>goes wrong You find it terribly frustrating at<br>times but you always manage to keep your temper<br>in check and your powers under control.
<br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/TheMatsumoto/quizzes/What%20Astral%20Creature%20are%20you%3F/"> <font size="-1">What Astral Creature are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">
You are a Dragon. You are one of the strongest creatures in existence next to God. For your warmongering you were punished and your energy locked away. Te news isnt all bad though, if you had friends of angelic or demonic persuasion you can find a loophole in your limitations. Your personality can be anything in the spectrum, for there are many types of dragons, I suggest taking a dragon test to get into more specifics.
i'm a dragon, and quite satisfied with being one. this was achieved by carefully avoiding any answer that had anything to do with trees. it was no small feat considering that perhaps only the numbers question was free of references to the vegetation, but i managed nonetheless and got punished for malicious deeds and whatnots. i share mourningstar's opinions on believing, vampires, and the industrial revolution, but not her blood type.

i don't really get why lucifer should be one of the most beautiful things in the universe only because sometimes he's not goat-headed or of the ovine persuasion at all: i'm pretty much not a goat myself most of the times and still never found that this ability made me overly popular amongst the females of the species.
Haahaa Well see evedently according to my wiccan friends, Christianity stole the look of the "Horned one" got satan, but I'm wise ot thier trickery ;) .

As for the dragon test I'm working on one now (I meant you should seek out a dragon test, there are MILLIONS out on the web) Its just my computer is a bit down (I'm on a school computer) and one of the only sites working is quizilla. So I'd be able to post the quiz soon, just without pictures so if anyone's interested check back every so often, I will be able to post one without pictures later today if there is a great demand. :)
Malicious Misery said:
Haahaa Well see evedently according to my wiccan friends, Christianity stole the look of the "Horned one" got satan, but I'm wise ot thier trickery ;) .
indeed, the traditional satanic look is quite reminiscent of a number of horned gods dating back to ancient greece and earlier. still i don't think your wiccan friends are the ones most entitled to preach about not "stealing" ideas and precepts from other religions/philosophies... :rolleyes: