which CD should I get, I am new to the band

maybe you should resize it to fit the pixels (100x100).
i never managed to get a good avatar this way though, so maybe someone can give a better answer on this :)
Well, I guess I should have answered to the original topic, but as Phyre was a lot faster than I (actually, I have been working the whole evening today), I can but agree on what he has already said.

Btw, the tattoo is healed pretty well and I'll try to get the picture soonish...

-Villain (the-almost-dethroned-doctor)
dunno, gallery was the first album i heard, that's wot made me love them. hard to imagine feeling the same about any other albums without getting to like the first (i'm not saying gallery is my favourite, just my favourite first album...oh nevermind, that made no sense :) )

well, if you can understand that, that's wot i think. if you can't, maybe i don't think. ah well
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
it seemed like I had it smaller than this :) face and it still didnt work!

as soon as I am out of debt i will buy their latest CD

it has to be 100x100 or smaller AND less than 15000 bytes. try to set a higher compression rate and save your picture again if you 100x100 pic exceeds the second limit.
well, thanks, but it actually is taken from stephen hawking's "universe in a nutshell" book. so whaddya mean with rings and crowns?:confused:
I'd say go for Projector. If you don't like that, there is something seriously wrong with you. :rolleyes:

Anyway, just after you bought Projector and get totaly blown away by it's genious, you go and buy either Haven or The mind's I! THEN you go on your first DT gig, and then you're stuck forever (actually, you will be stuck after you hear the intro track to Projector, Freecard, but it doesn't hurt to make sure you won't escape =)