Which Cymbals do you use?


Nov 23, 2007
It's not a big deal anymore to get real good sounding kick, snare and tom samples, but how do you guys handle the cymbals? I'm not satisfied with any of the common drum libraries when it comes to this point.

I read about this Zildjian Gen 16 pack for BFD Eco lately. Does anyone know them and if yes would you recommened them?
As was I, oh well! I still love k-customs in the studio! Smaller cymbals tend to work better in my experience, less low mid junk. Unfortunately, cheap cymbals sound rubbish. If I had the cash I'd invest in and insure a quality set.
Need to save up some cash and buy a nice set of A Customs, my favourite cymbals so far.
Although, when the time comes, I shall probably be trying a vast array of cymbals.
Don't really dig most of the sabian line, my drummer has the AAX metals, a little too heavy for me, Although his 20" crash does sound awesome and so does his 18" crash, hmm maybe I do dig them, hats could be better, but still easily workable.
And there was me thinking this was a thread about real cymbals. How naive of me :lol:

I think things are getting out of hand. Seriously. Not so long a go there would have been words "Zildjan" or "Paiste", now there`s "pack 15" or "set 16a3". I wonder why music sounds a bit artificial now...maybe because it is:loco:
Personal favourites; Paiste 2002 and Rude; right now we're mostly using Sabians though; from 18" and up.
Just got the new EFX 20" from Zildijan as well and it rocks! Just traded away our Sabian HHX hihats for a pair of Zildijan new beats too; the HHX were too loud and bled all over the rest of the kit.