Which do you think is the amp sim software that best models a Rectifier?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Just curious about what's the general concensus on the topic here. :)

ReValver? POD Farm? Digi Eleven? Waves GTR? In your opinion, which is it?

Well, apart from LePou's recto sim, which isn't out yet and/or is not available for Mac, is it?
Whether it's the best emulation of a Recto, I couldn't say, but I prefer the sound of the Line 6 Diamond Plate to the Revalver model.
And the Guitar Rig 4 model, well it couldn't even come close to the Diamond Plate model IMO
LePou's got a Recto sim coming out in the near future, and based on his previous work I'm expecting it to be top-notch.
Amplitube 3 is coming out soon. Maybe that will be a contender. They've supposedly revamped their existing models and added some new ones, and gone to the next level on their modeling techniques. It could be awesome, or it could all be hype. Don't know yet. Maybe Amplitube 3 will have a great recto?
Dude! hurry it up! My life depends on that sim.. :p Sooo wish I could test out his stuff, but alas, I ain't that lucky.