Which is stronger?

Originally posted by Belial
I don't believe in the existence of a soul.

In that case, I'll give you two bucks for your soul. I sold my soul in third grade, I believe for a juice box. Two bucks take it or leave it:D
Originally posted by Belial
Two bucks? COOL! Where do I sign? :D

Sorry, I changed my mind, I need the money for a bottle of break fluid for my car, after all I have to keep my priorities straight :lol:
Originally posted by Belial

You don't need to fix your brakes, just make your horn LOUDER! :lol:

:tickled: ok here's the deal. i'll give you two bucks and all my friends Manowar albums, you give me your soul and make my horn louder. Deal?
Originally posted by Belial

Eww, Manowar!

Ok, ok, I understand, instead of the Manowar albums I'll offer something less painful....how about a hired goon to come over to your home and smash you in the face with various blunt objects for forty-six hours? NOW do we have a deal?:D