Which magazines do you buy?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
With all the info on the web being updated all the time, do you still buy magazines or papers?

I never buy the newspaper anymore - it seems pointless these days to read day old news.

Also, does anyone subscribe to music magazines? I do tend to buy some music and movie magazines because it's just nice to be able to flick through pages. I get BWBK (the CD is cool), Entertainment Weekly, Cinescape, Rue Morgue, and Fangoria.

Also, is there a guy in the world that doesn't read whilst sitting on the 'throne'? :D
I read Progression, outburn, and BWBK. Progression has really good interviews and reviews but they are a little dated by the time the mag hits the shelves. Outburn is mostly electronic music but has some good metal stuff in it also, and of course BWBK, I don't think I need to say more.
I don't read music magazines. :)

Peterson's 4WD and Off-road
National Geographic
Playboy (hey, one article read per year counts as reading!)
Car and Driver
Los Angeles Times

I get most of my news online from Periscope, Stratfor, and the Washington Times. Any information I want on music I come here or AMG.
I skim through the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press online every day.

As for magazines, I don't really read any music ones anymore, with the internet and all. However, I do have a subscription to... I can't believe I'm admitting this... Cat Fancy.
I used to read Terrorizer (my personal fave), but I can no longer find it anywhere, so I'm like a year behind or something...

Metal Maniacs every once in awhile (though their reviews section has gone to shit... who in the fuck are any of the bands that they've reviewed in like the last 5 issues??)

Used to have a subscription to TIME, glad it ran out, I'm a little happier not reading it these days.
Yeah I was just kidding, hehehehe. I forgot to put a smilie in the post, like this -> ;)

Haddsie subscribes to Cooking magazines. And for some reason, I get Mens Health every month. I didn't subscribe to this shit, so I dunno why I get it?!!
Can't argue with freebies :cool:

My fave mags are Classic Rock, Terrorizer and Powerplay. One of my mates bought a copy of Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles the other week, which means they've started selling it here! :eek: So I will have to buy it sometime...

I really wanna sort out a subscription to Anime Invasion sometime. I only have two copies from last summer but it's really great shit!

I get Funny Times over from America also, it's real good :)
JayKeeley said:
Haddsie subscribes to Cooking magazines. And for some reason, I get Mens Health every month. I didn't subscribe to this shit, so I dunno why I get it?!!

That's right - the best cooking magazine, Cooking Light. Love that one!

Also, JayKeeley left out another one that mysteriously arrives every month, but he swears he did not suscribe to: Teen People. :loco:
Sheeeitt... they'll be in Vivid Video in a matter of weeks. I discovered long ago that the two of them combined forms the antichrist, sort of like how the Constructicons formed that larger badass Green Decepticon of Doom.
NAD said:
Sheeeitt... they'll be in Vivid Video in a matter of weeks.

I understand completely. :tickled:

I discovered long ago that the two of them combined forms the antichrist, sort of like how the Constructicons formed that larger badass Green Decepticon of Doom.

I have no idea what you're talking about. o_O
JayKeeley said:
I have no idea what you're talking about. o_O

Is that like some kind of Transformers thing?

MaryKate & Ashley are still children! It's so disturbing the way they make them look like porn stars. By the way, did you ever seen them in that awkward "in between" stage, like where their teeth were coming in and their skin fell apart? It's like they skipped that completely. I bet they had to wear partial dentures to make their teeth look nice - like those child beauty pageant kids do.
I fear them, but I would party with the Constructicons (yes, a Transformer thing :) ). Dammit, can't find a pic. Oh well.
NAD said:
Sheeeitt... they'll be in Vivid Video in a matter of weeks. I discovered long ago that the two of them combined forms the antichrist, sort of like how the Constructicons formed that larger badass Green Decepticon of Doom.

The name's Devastator ;) :cool:
Oooh, a topic near and dear to my heart, since I get far too many magazines...

BW/BK - my favorite metal mag
Terrorizer - just found a shop that actually carries recent issues
Unrestrained - another great, lesser-known metal mag
Relix - for my jammy bands nonsense (yes, I do love the Dead, shoot me)
Sports Illustrated
Electronic Gaming Monthly
Official U.S. Playstation Magazine
Game Informer
Wizard (for my comic book obsession)

Hmm...going back and re-reading that list, you'd be hard-pressed to know that I'm 30! :lol: