Which mBox should I get?


Dec 11, 2009
Ok, so it turns out I just got hold of some serious cash. I want to buy an audio interface. Any recommendations? As I will be using it with a Macbook Pro (yeah, selling my macbook...too slow and screen is too small) I thought about getting one of these fine machines

Digidesign Mbox 2 Pro Factory - It comes with: Pro Tools LE, Moogerfooger® Analog Delay JOEMEEK® SC2T Photo Optical Compressor JOEMEEK VC5T Meequalizer® Cosmonaut Voice Digidesign® Maxim iLok USB Smart Key

oh, yes. it has to be a pro tools system! as I am currently at SAE Institute.

So what´s up guys. give me some input.

purpose is homerecording of guitars, bass, vocals, mixing, mastering, electronic music.

(for drum recordings I have a different interface.)

Replies would be greatly appreciated.
It's a good way to get into Pro Tools if you want to use LE.
For the needs you have, I'd say it's a good choice, but keep in mind this thing is USB, so you don't have that fast firewire transfer of information, but as you're not going to record 8+ inputs at the same time, you shouldn't have a problem with USB.
It's very usable, I've got a MBox 2 myself (NOT pro) to get in Pro Tools LE
Weird, i have an MBox 2 standard and it's USB. Maybe they differ a little more than I thought.

In any case, it's a really good way to start.
it´s a PRO that´s why it has firewire.

so what m-audio product would you choose?
The thing is - I am studying at SAE and they want us to use Macbooks. And as I understand we will mostly be tought in Pro Tools. What I want to do with my system is what I mentioned above. If there really is a cheaper interface that delivers the same quality - let me hear it. I just want to understand the differences you know?
if you need midi, adat, and pro tools LE get the mbox 2 pro

if you need midi, adat, tons of i/o and dont need LE...get the profire 2626...it's so worth it, and the pre amps imo are better than the ones in the mbox2pro

if you do not need midi nor adat...and you'll be ok with 2 inputs...(which i think it's pretty good just to run pro tools and record guitar, vocals and keyboards) just get an Mbox mini

you can always save the rest of the money for something else, like a good mic or something.
damn. I need to do some more research I guess. your last advice might be the best one :/
cause I just got mad money today and want to decide right now. sorry for being so immature haha. will return to tell you what I ended up with!
No offense but right now this is just totally fulfilling the typical SAE-guy-cliche: "I don't really know what I'm doing but I needz me teh PRO TOOLS^^" :D
Profire 2626 (scored mine for $550 new) + pro tools m powered education version ($150).

WAAAAAAYYYY better than a fucking mbox 2 pro. :lol:

Has the ability to monitor up to 18 channels of audio at very low latency (even those pesky digital ones) and can record at 196kHz if you ever wanted to (I highly fucking doubt it :lol:).
problem is I don´t have the cash for a 2626 AND m-powered :/

on the SAE guy thing. yeah, I mean I just started 1 1/2 months ago you know so I can´t really tell you why I "need" pro tools. but as I said - I am being tought in it so maybe it´s a good idea to find out about it. don´t you think?

damn. Is there anything I can´t do with that 2626 that I can do with a mbox 2 pro?
I also have another question. I am about to order my macbook pro. the standard 15" comes with a 320gb 5400rpm hard disk...could this become a problem in case I am getting the 2626 and want to record drums...?