Which old Maiden BB user has made the most impact on UM?

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Well you should know. You must have had quite a few shitstains on your cock and, (by association), your mouth, over the years - so you must be an expert on shitstains. :ill:
and still playing games with the rep even after you got them turned off-yer so oblivious!:tickled:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Anyone else noticed that ever since Mark did away with the reputation "green dots" and post count, this place has seen a marked decrease in traffic? It seems hardly anyone posts here now, especially in the General Music Discussion board since the changes happened.
No judgement from me, just an observation. :p

maybe they arent there any more because mark got tired of hearing complaints about someone useing the rep to harass people. now who would do a thing like that? :rolleyes:

you ever wonder why opeth didnt want their off topic forum even when people offered to pay for the hosting? we were haveing fun in the chat and when your friends joined it morphed into seriously off topic...

george w bush, jesse jackson and a stoner are on a cross country flight when the pilot announces the plane is going down. the passengers find out they only have 2 parachutes. gw says IM THE SMARTEST, MOST IMPORANT MAN IN THE WORLD! DEMOCRACY WOULD FALL TO TERRORISM WITHOUT MY LEADERSHIP! I HAVE TO LIVE, CIVILISATION WOULD CRUMBLE WITHOUT ME! he puts the straps over his shoulders and jumps out the door.
jesse jackson tells the stoner to take the parachute. the stoner tells him "dude we're both gonna be saved!" jesse tells him "as a man of god i admire your faith but god isnt going to stop the plane from crashing." the stoner tells him "naw dude, we'll both be saved! the smartest man in the world jumped with my backpack!"

im sure a simple metaphor is beyond your grasp, so the point is how amuseing it is to hear the oblivous proclaim their brillance and importance while they self destruct.
maybe they arent there any more because mark got tired of hearing complaints about someone useing the rep to harass people. now who would do a thing like that? :rolleyes:

you ever wonder why opeth didnt want their off topic forum even when people offered to pay for the hosting? we were haveing fun in the chat and when your friends joined it morphed into seriously off topic...

george w bush, jesse jackson and a stoner are on a cross country flight when the pilot announces the plane is going down. the passengers find out they only have 2 parachutes. gw says IM THE SMARTEST, MOST IMPORANT MAN IN THE WORLD! DEMOCRACY WOULD FALL TO TERRORISM WITHOUT MY LEADERSHIP! I HAVE TO LIVE, CIVILISATION WOULD CRUMBLE WITHOUT ME! he puts the straps over his shoulders and jumps out the door.
jesse jackson tells the stoner to take the parachute. the stoner tells him "dude we're both gonna be saved!" jesse tells him "as a man of god i admire your faith but god isnt going to stop the plane from crashing." the stoner tells him "naw dude, we'll both be saved! the smartest man in the world jumped with my backpack!"

im sure a simple metaphor is beyond your grasp, so the point is how amuseing it is to hear the oblivous proclaim their brillance and importance while they self destruct.
I have no idea what any of your post means. Are you suggesting I was harrassing you? Weren't you the guy that followed 3 or 4 people around the forum posting insults to them? Or is that not harrassment?
I'm not surprised Opeth didn't want to be associated with the Off Topic board, it was full of shite - just as Seriously Off Topic still is. But if you look back you'll see I hardly ever posted in there, and still don't. I have no friends on this board, a couple of people simply backed me up because they took exception to your childish insults.

You're right about me not grasping your metaphor - I don't get the point of that little story at all. I don't understand how I'm "proclaiming my brilliance" while I self destruct. Did anyone else see me proclaim my brilliance in this thread?
Give it a rest, before your bitterness wastes your mind even more.
No, I DO understand what you mean - but hey, who listens to Moonchild anyway? He's a thick bastard with nothing useful to say. I understand why he has that Nazi flag as his avatar though, his countrymen did lie down to Hitler after all, leaving US to bail the spineless fuckers out. Ain't that right, now? :p Moonchild, did your mother consort with evil Nazis? Or is is just you that likes men in uniform?
Hehehe, numpty heid. :Smug: