Which One of you guys produced this?

^^^^ No... seriously... no! This can't truly happen... I love this forum SO FUCKING MUCH!!!

Fuck... if only Nergal reads this...
I also understand your opinions on my image, but hell, I'd rather look like a pretty guy than an ugly chick.
So.. by looking like a chick you think you rather look like a pretty guy than an ugly chick?

TheDudeYouSeemToHateSoMuch said:
I have new material coming up, taking heavy influence off of bands like Decapitated, Behemoth, and Carcass.
Don't you take those words in your dirty mouth! :lol:

On a more serious note, I'm impressed how calm you are considering the bashing in this thread. If it's really you, that is.
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Dear MetalHeads,

Please know that I am a solo act, and I do everything myself. From Producing, to every instrument, to the Videography. It's not an easy task, and I worked damn hard to get my reputation with my fans.

~Etienne Sin

That explains a lot. The guys in the background dancing look like they were doing their choreography for the first time, which I think is the main problem. I don't think they worked well with your vision. They looked very unnatural. Not sure if that's what you were going for.

I'm sure you put a lot of work into this and it's probably real hard to read people rip it in half like this. But anytime you try something that's totally off the wall you're gonna get haters, and it seems like you understand that.

That being said, upon seeing this video, my jaw dropped to the floor and my body convulsed in shock as I nearly quit listening to music entirely because this music is unlistenable and the video should be banned just because it simply is so terrible. This is awful. It is a disgrace to metal and music in general. If there are metal gods out there watching then surely they will not allow you to continue on poisoning innocent internet users with this trash.

Just kidding, sort of.
How the hell did I miss this? This comment pretty much summed it up for me:

and thats why I kinda liked it, but not enough to listen to it again. But I did notice that they are giving away their EP for free:


edit: omg, look at the guy:


but props for the guy:

It's Prince, with twice the gay.