which one should i get next?


Oct 18, 2002
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well, i have three of their albums:
Skydancer (bought just after christmas. well, the release w/ Of Chaos and Eternal Night)
The Gallery (got for my birthday in January)
The Mind's I (just bought today)

i was wondering, which one should i get next? Should i keep going in order and get Projector next (i've herd 'Therein' and love it), or get either Haven (heard some stuff, like it all) or Damage Done (haven't heard, but herd that it slays).

EDIT: ok, wait, i've actually heard 3 from Projector and 3 from Haven ('Therein' is my fave of the 6), and heven't heard Damage Done at all (but have read MANY good things about it). thanks. :)
i say get damage done for the surprise effect (it's not as if you'll be disappointed or anything, if you liked their previous two), then you'll fill the missing slots later, perhaps after you've downloaded some more stuff and have a better opinion of the remaining two records.

rahvin said:
i say get damage done for the surprise effect (it's not as if you'll be disappointed or anything, if you liked their previous two), then you'll fill the missing slots later, perhaps after you've downloaded some more stuff and have a better opinion of the remaining two records.


Yes, I agree with Rahvin. Get Damage Done! :Spin:
I'll go with the flow and say Damage Done, i have a feeling you'll love it.
@DEEK: You are considered lucky, since in all the time i've been around, it is about the first (and perhaps the last) time everyone agreed on this. :lol:
you mean, like, satan would actually tempt the sinners with promises of eternal life and unfathomable powers if they buy dt records at random? :guh:
oh my, evil does work in mysterious ways too. :p

rahvin said:
you mean, like, satan would actually tempt the sinners with promises of eternal life and unfathomable powers if they buy dt records at random? :guh:
if it is so, i'm gonna sue the devil, since apparently i've no eternal life nor unfathomable powers. :p

rahvin said:
you mean, like, satan would actually tempt the sinners with promises of eternal life and unfathomable powers if they buy dt records at random? :guh:
oh my, evil does work in mysterious ways too. :p


How do you come up with such cool replies? Seriously, almost everytime I read one of your posts, I am almost guarenteed to laugh my ass off. Perhaps you and I share the same dark, dry sense of humour.
@lethe78: thanks for the compliments. :) perhaps it's just because i'm into a lot of humorous literature - british humour like terry pratchett or comedy humour like www.somethingawful.com - so i tend to see the possibilities for such jokes. but please stop tellling me otherwise i'll become absolutely unfunny in a jiffy... you know, like performance anxiety when you have sex. ;)

rahvin said:
@lethe78: thanks for the compliments. :) perhaps it's just because i'm into a lot of humorous literature - british humour like terry pratchett or comedy humour like http://www.somethingawful.com - so i tend to see the possibilities for such jokes. but please stop tellling me otherwise i'll become absolutely unfunny in a jiffy... you know, like performance anxiety when you have sex. ;)


British humour is the best. Have you ever seen a show called "Ripping Yarns"? It is frigging histerical.