Which was the coolest ship in Star Wars?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Was it the A-Wing? Y-Wing? Millenium Falcon? Tie Fighter?

How about....the H-Wing!!!?


For more data, please have your R2 unit download the following images from roadsquadron sector, unit 'cars', sub unit 'hwing'. May the force be with you.

:lol: Awesome H-wing!

I was always partial to Star Destroyers, and if I had $300 to blow on Legos I'd get this:

The Millennium Falcon is always cool, but I really liked those little ships that the Rebls used to battle those awesome 4-legged and 2-legged walking things at the beginning of Empire..
J. said:
I really liked those little ships that the Rebls used to battle those awesome 4-legged and 2-legged walking things at the beginning of Empire..
Those are A-Wings. That's what the H-Wing was modelled against. Well, those and some kind of Subaru.
Ehh, those werent A-wings. Those were snowspeeders

This is an A-wing:

Yes, I'm a Star Wars geek since 20 years.
Opeth17 said:
On a slightly related note, South Park RULED tonight.
Wow, I don't watch South Park religously, but last night, whilst flicking through the channels, I caught this episode where Cartman decides to form an 'I love Jesus' band and exploit all the Christians into buying his album, just so he could win a bet.

Best Cartman lyrics ever: "Oooh I'm on my knees for you Jesus, let me feel your salvation all over my face".
Hahahahahahaa. I probably watched Flight of the Navigator more than Airplane growing up, and I watched Airplane I & II several times every weekend for years.