While I Wait For TERRIA...

^ well said, and I agree completely. AE is not a weak album, I simply meant compared to his other albums it is the "weakest" (ie less layering, more straight forward songs like sunday afternoon, storm, slow me down)

Glad you like Infinity so much...it's simply a mindblowing record! the best!
it is definitively more melodic

truth: a kind of symphonic opening track a la "dire" on the SYL record, this song sounds religious to me, I had the chance to see Dev play it live tw years ago, it's incredible

Christeen : My favourite devy song, mind blowing, it's melodic, full of energy and the singing is almost perfect, it sounds a bit "wildheart" sometimes

Bad devil : it's a kind of heavy/ska/boogie/jazz song...difficult to describe, the rythm is very catchy, the melody on the chorus is incredible two, those lines remind me some broadway musical comedies, you also have a saxo part in the middle of the song, with some jazzy piano parts...pfffiiuuu
check it out

War : definitively a "rock" song, it's tainted of "modern" blues with great arrangements, the end of the song is awesome, Devy sings acapella and you have the guitar in the backroud playing the same melody

Sould driven cadillac : not one of my favourite, but it still kicks ass, I don't like the end of the song, to repetitive for me

Ants : an incredible piece of work, some will say that it sounds zappa, some will say that it sounds Vai, the sweeping guitar part is totally fantastic, and one more time the vocals are unique. it's the kind of experimental "love it or hate it" song.

Wild colonial boy : a cheesy ballad, very nice, full of emotions, devy played it acoustic in vancouver some years ago and it was interesting to hear a variation of this song. the cats choirs are funny, yes cats choirs...

Life is all dynamics : it begins like a ballad with an acoustic intro and a very quiet voice, it's very progressive in the end. The high notes in the chorus are impressive.

Unity : a cool instrumental song, a lullaby, Dev and the guys used to open their show with the recording of this one.

Noisy pink bubbles : the best song on this record, it's also difficult to describe, a kind of funky progressive eerie song. the break in the middle make me fly away each time I listen to it.

pffiuuu after that how can I now descripe the EP....check some reviews!!!

Infinity is ok, but it's patchwork, it doesn't flow, and it has way too many repetitive parts. Maybe if it had actually been how Devy wanted it, it would be better, but I don't know... I'd say that it is easily his worst album though. The Christeen ep is ok, but that Star Child or whatever song has some very crappy parts. Om is awesome though...

But everyone always neglects to talk about Physicist... I'd say that it is his most underrated album, it's almost as good as City.

Here's the order you need to purchase the rest of the albums besides Terria and AE:

SYL - City
Ocean Machine
SYL - No Sleep 'Til Bedtime
SYL - Heavy as a Real Heavy Thing
SYL - s/t
Christeen ep (not necessary by any means)

But without a doubt, the best albums that Devy has been on are: Front Line Assembly - Millenium and Front Line Assembly - Hard Wired. The perfect symbiosis of electronics and guitars... even though they were released 9 and 8 years ago repectively.
Millennium is pretty good (especially the title track), but to say it is the best album he has been affiliated with just seems... well, WRONG to me. Devin's solo albums, for the most part, have so much more going on in terms of depth, emotion, and diversity.

Also, I think KMFDM's more metallic albums are generally better than FLA's, but that's another discussion.
Well, maybe I should tell you that I used to be a HUGE Bill Leeb fanboy. I have about 20 FLA cds and I have about 10 Delerium and 5 other Leeb associated albums. I kind of tired myself of them, but I used to listen to at least one FLA album every day. In the way that Devin Townsend is the favorite musician of most people here (he's not my favorite, just one of my favorites, Infinity is the only project he's done that ever left me in the cold (and I'd still give it a 7 / 10, which means I still highly enjoyed many parts of it)), Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber used to be my favorite musicians. Now, I'd have to say my favorite musician is either Mike Patton or Christophorus G Ryggs, but that's besides the point.

I hope you enjoy the Leæther Strip and Haujobb albums as much as I have, they gave me countless hours of enjoyment in the years following my purchase of them.