Who do you think is the best thrash metal vocalist?

Toss-up between Keith Deen of Holy Terror and Manuel Lopez of Ulysses Siren for me. Mastery of both abrasive hardcore-tinged styles and powerful trad metal singing. Realm's Mark Antoni is one of my favorites as well, but he was kinda more of a power metal singer in a thrash band.
Paul Baloff is the best. It's a shame that there isn't much material that he appears on.

I also really like Keith Deen and Tom Araya, but Baloff wins in my book.
how are there already half a dozen answers that aren't Araya the hell is wrong with you people

Araya isn't that great. At his best he could do one type of scream very well, say words fast, and pull off a decent cornball-evil voice, that's about it.
how are there already half a dozen answers that aren't Araya the hell is wrong with you people

I dont think hes very good especially on South of Heaven his vocals are very weak to me. Like James Hetfeild I feel he started of good but the vocals quickly went out of my taste.
Araya is amongst the elite of metal vocalists.

Other favourites would be Sean Killian (Vio-Lence), Chris Bailey (Infernäl Mäjesty), and Stace "Sheepdog" McLaren (Razor).

Again dont care for Araya that much but its awesome to see Sean Killian mentioned since i imagine his voice is very polarizing for most.
pre-SOUTH OF HEAVEN araya by far, maybe the greatest vocalist of any sub-genre. i agree he went to shit from SoH onwards.

baloff second for me although i love a few mentioned.
I'd say Araya or Deen stands a chance at being equal to Baloff in my eyes but he edges them out ever so slightly. Baloff is just savage and I love his vocals.
You're all queers, Mille Petrozza blows the barn doors off your ramshackle bullshit opinions.

Hes a very good straight up harsh vocalist that grinds on your ears and lacks melody. I can see why many might not like him very much but i find him preferable to Tom Araya as a more brutal thrash vocalist.
We generally have pretty agreeable tastes on the whole anyway, we're just never going to agree on Anthrax, Pantera and a lot of the hardrock you've mentioned liking as they're generally just not my thing.
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