Who does NOT have Of Stone Wind and Pillor (and wants it)?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just curious. How much of a rarity is it? I know it sold for $70 on eBay, but then I've seen people bid $20 on albums that you can buy on Amazon for $12. Just lots of silly people who don't even try looking, but get caught up in bid wars needlessly.
One Inch Man said:
Ebay is where women and homosexuals come to discuss their equally inferior nature.


Seems like "caiman" is trying to sell it on both half.com and amazon.com....but for $2 more on amazon! But there's dimension selling it for $10, so we've found at least two people selling it now for cheap.

Two people on RC will be very happy today. :)
caiman or whatever is not a good seller. I remember trying to buy a rare Today is the Day disc from him and he ended up not having it after all, and then it took about 3 emails to get him to refund my money.
spaffe said:
Argh! I do! But I need a us-my pals to buy it for me it seems :<

Anyone? I'd be eternally grateful (and plase hurry before Nicodemix sees it :loco: )

I suppose I'd do it for you, I just need the details and stuff.
I don't know why half.com doesn't take Gaypal, but still:

half.com >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jewbay.com

WAit yes I do, it's because Jewbay is just a meeting place for sellers and buyers whereas half.com is run like a middleman service. I'm totally using incorrect mercantile terms and I don't care. :dopey:
Haha, somebody already ordered the $10 from Amazon...and didn't even thank us for alerting them to the fact. :Smug:

Probably some rabbi wanting to re-sell it for profit.