Who drew the "O" symbol in Opeth's title?


Nov 8, 2006
Seriously, I've always wondered who came up with it. I truly think it's the most amazing looking band title graphic ever, I never knew a letter of the english alphabet could look so nice.

So how was it made?/Who came up with it?
Eesh wasn't Orchid released in '94? The cover to that had the "Opeth O". Had to have been earlier than that when he created it. Have to agree though, beautiful design.
No, Orchid was released in 1995 in Europe, but the logo wasn't on the European version. It was released in the US in 1997, and the logo was on the US version. :)
I was trying to google any info on Timo Ketola, the only thing I found was some old interview (actually Timo Ketola interviewing Mikael right before MAYH!!). Not sure if this is the same Timo Ketola though....
If anyone has any link of his works (I hope he did some other stuff) post it here!
According to this website ==>http://www.nwnprod.com/, he has 'done art for bands like Dissection, Watain, Deathspell Omega, Kaamos, Verminous, Dead Congregation and others'

Here's one of his covers:
yup you're right it says so on the official opeth site, and that logo wanet through some serious evolution... to what it is today, before it was like some drunken graffiti meister drew it...:)
yeah, micahel's second logo looks fine, but i think that the first one that's drawn by danken looks too ordinary and too "metalheadish" too standard, it just ain't opeth, but the last logo it's, just what opeth stands for...
can u guys post the 3 logos here....ive seen 2 of 'em.....dont knwo whats teh one in teh middle ure talkin bout...thanx...!!!....PEAC EOUT
let's add that in the 1st candlelight edition of morningrise the opeth logo as we know it today was printed on the inlay of the cd case. but we know that until still life the albums didn't feature the logo on the cover.

in 1997 century black released some european metal masterpieces in the USA, and the logo was surely added for commercial purposes... americans would never buy an album without at least a bandlogo on the cover.

then in 2001 opeth started to tour again thanx to MFN support, and plastic head/candlelight used those covers with logo for the re-print of the 3 opeth classics.
they made 4 editions: cd, lp, pic lp, tins... so who's commercial? opeth or people behind label names?

sorry for the slight OT :p
Here ya go waz

This one is Mikael's design:

This is by Danken (and it's the first design):

hahaha....wow....both are rather crappy compared to the new one....hahaha....im glad they got that kid to do the new one....imagone those on ure CDs....heck Id be embarrased to show the album cvers...hahahaha......jsut kiddin Mikey....pullin yer leg.....hahahha......cool pics at teh gig duder......hope it went well....PEAC EOUT
You need to be banned again.

On a serious note. Had I been in Mikes shoes seeing this new logo for the first time, I probably would either shat myself or got choked up a bit. It really is a beautiful logo.
You need to be banned again.

On a serious note. Had I been in Mikes shoes seeing this new logo for the first time, I probably would either shat myself or got choked up a bit. It really is a beautiful logo.

O HOW I INSULT THE GOD OF METAL...!!!!!.....i deserve banning.....offcours everythign Mikey does im supposed to LOVE unconditionally......hahahaha....pffftt......!!!!..PEAC EOUT
O HOW I INSULT THE GOD OF METAL...!!!!!.....i deserve banning.....offcours everythign Mikey does im supposed to LOVE unconditionally......hahahaha....pffftt......!!!!..PEAC EOUT

gad you annoy the fuck out of me. With your shit spelling and at least four periods between each fucking sentence, and your shit posts... seriously, ban again
gad you annoy the fuck out of me. With your shit spelling and at least four periods between each fucking sentence, and your shit posts... seriously, ban again

Samsara would u please grant this man his wish...!!!!.....thankyou.....PEAC EOUT