Who else has parents that have seperated?

:cry: Easter 2000 and my dad walked out on the family after 30odd years of marriage and six children.

I was taking my girlfriend to Port Campbell for a week of camping. It was the morning we left that I knew dad was gone. I remember my brother telling mum, 'Gee dad must have got up early this morning. I was meaning to tell him something'. Mum just shrugged it off. Later I asked her, 'He didn't leave early, he never came home last night did he?'. That's when I knew.
It wasn't for almost a month later that I found out why. And till this day, dad has never explained it himself.

The circumstances surrounding how and why he left totally crushed me personally for almost two years. In fact it's only in the past month that I've started speaking to him again. And I'm the only one in the family that has taken that step - including his own brother.

The truth is I guess, I began to miss him. I have also begun to forgive. We have a long way to go before I could honestly say that we're ok... but at least I'm trying.
My parents seperated when I was 12 I think. Which is err...12 years ago. My dad moved out and I didnt really see him much after that. Every now and then I would stay with him for a night but that ended pretty quick. He then moved away and got a girlfriend who he lived with. There was a house fire at his place and his girlfriend died in the fire. That was pretty tragic...people from SA might actually remember it from a few years ago...it made a lot of news.

Anyway Ive seen him once or twice in the past 8 years or so...talked to him on the phone a couple more times but thats about it.

Mum died in October 2000, and I spoke to him on the phone the day she died and he gave his condolences...he couldnt make it to the funeral.

My grandad, which was his dad died a week or so ago after suffering from a very harsh strain of Leukemia that has no treatment. I wasnt able to make it to the funeral. I wrote my dad a letter last week and mailed it off. I hope to hear back from him sometime. It would be nice.

So yeah...thats my story.
I am one of the lucky few (it seems) who's parents have made it through alot of shit together and have stuck together..they split for a few years when I was young, but apprently couldn't really be apart...sappy? it sure as hell is, but ya get that sorta thing I guess
okok i'll tell mine :D

my dad left me mum, then 6 months later we found out he left her for her best friend, who he had been having an affair with, then when he was done with that friend he moved onto one of her other friends who he is still with and has moved in with.

he keeps wanting to make our relatives and family acknowledge her but we never will, not his parents or my mum or my sisters, we hate her heaps, because of how she was my mum's friend.

i found out a bit later after they seperated that my dad had, had an affair before when i was little, i found out thats why we moved house way back then.

my dad never rings me like i said, even though my mum rings him and harasses him on the phone to ring me and my older sister (i have 3, the other two are in their 20's, this one is one year older than me).

also my father has changed heaps, so much so that to me he has become a stranger who i now feel uncomfortable around.
Mine separated early 2001. We kinda knew it was coming, him and mum hadn't been speaking much for ages, they'd been acting like strangers and most nights dad would just be like "I'm going out" and come home at 3am.

Then one night he had some suitcases and just said "I'm moving out, seeya guys" and left. We thought it might be just him being immature again but it was for real, the next time he came back was to collect some more of his stuff. It was all a long story, him and mum had just grown to hate each other and always fought, neither would ever listen to the other and it was really frustrating because listening on you could see a solution to each argument so clearly but they couldn't because mum would just keep harping on something then dad would just kinda laugh and walk off and that would infuriate mum more. Then dad found some other woman towards the end who he started seeing and that's who he moved in with when he left but it didn't last long with her either. I think he has some other woman now.

I never talk to him now. Since the split, I've seen him a couple of times when he collected his stuff, once from a distance outside court when mum took him to court last year because he left mum with heaps of debts in her name that weren't hers and we wanted to secure the house (which we did luckily and sold it which is why we've just moved into somewhere smaller), and I saw him last Christmas because he wanted to take me and my sister out to lunch a couple of days before xmas. I thought that would be really awkward but when he picked us up in his car it felt like no time had passed since 2 years earlier when I'd be sitting in that car going to school. Plus he just made jokes the whole time to avoid awkwardness which was good, and he bought me lots of drinks so I got a bit drunk and played pool.

As far as phone calls go, he calls VERY rarely. Birthdays, Christmas and maybe once every few months between. Last time he called was when he found out Ace Frehley wasn't coming for the Symphony show so he wanted to see if I was alright HAHAHA!

So that's my story.
My parents haven't split.

They don't get along, they argue, they never see past their own opinions.

I think they should split up, but I don't think they can be bothered with the legal matters that would follow.
The idea of growing up with parents who are together is completely alien to me. Being raised by a single mother is the only thing I've known since I was 5 or 6, and it's always seemed completely normal.
Mine split up when I was 17, and got back together when I was 20.

Hardest bit was trying to remain civil to the woman that had broken up the family (and I ended up living with her parents for 3 months when I moved to Sydney).

It hit my younger brother pretty hard.

But they're together still 15 years later, and doing pretty well.
My parents split up last year after 20 years of marriage, I was so pissed at my dad because he fucked around on my mother. My mom had to file for bankruptcy and my dad went on to make so good money for awhile. Didn't even offer to help her. Fucking bastard I think sometimes.
My family's like the fricken family from Leave It To Beaver. They've never split. In fact they never fight (at least I've never seen them). In fact, my entire extendend family is like that as well. None of my aunts or uncles have ever split (well, there is one, my dad's sister is his second wife, but they've been together as long as I can remember) Both sets of grandparents were married till death-did-them-part.

It's kinda nice.

Come to think of it, it's probably me that's let the team down. Oh, my brother has held his end up as well, except that his woman was a harpy and the entire family was glad to see her go. He's getting married for proper in a couple of months to make up for it though. To a different woman.
Mine is a similar story to Spiff's. My parents split up when I was three, so I don't even remember my father being around. Just as well too, or I would either a) moved out as soon as legally possible or b) currently be serving time for patricide.

Dad's in Newcastle now with wife #3 (did I mention he's also a man of the cloth?). He visits roughly once a year and gives me sanctimonious lectures on what I should be doing with my life. He might have some right to do that if he'd ever shown any interest in me while I was growing up. Prat :mad:.

My parents split up when I was 11.
My Dad left after we found out he had another son during an affair. Although he comes down and visits a fair bit so I guess it never really hit me that hard.
my folks are still together and they have never seperated.

Its seems funny these days when its odd that your parents AREN'T Divorced
I thought mine would never split up, but they did in 1999. We were all living in England, then Dad and the kids moved back here in '99.....my parents used it as a trial separation, which became permanent later that year. Us kiddies were eased into it really. Didn't affect us elder three very much, but the younger three took it pretty badly.

There aren't many friends of mine with parents who are still together these days. That's why I take a "see how it goes, and hope for the best" attitude with my own marriage.

Bloody hell some dads are fucked, going on the stories on this thread. :(
My parents are not together as my dad died when I was 13. They should have split a long time before that due to many reasons my mum was a petty woman with a lot of issues my dad was addicted to prescription pain killers from when I was 5. That was my dad's second marriage. My mum met someone else not long after dad died and this new one moved in nearly six months after dad died. They split nearly five years later when he got sent to jail for abusing my sisters and I. My mum then met someone else a few months later that totally changed her into a warm loving person that she is today they got married in 1999 and are still together.