Who has roommates (aka nigz)!?!?!???!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
That's about the only way I'll be able to afford a house 'round these parts, unless I want to give up luxuries like beer, food, and electricity. I lived with roommates for 2 years, and it only got bad when my friend decided to fuck my roommate's girlfriend. So I'm not entirely opposed to the idea.

Give me your horror stories! Remind me why I should just suck it up and stay in an apartment until I find a Wife and 2.5 Children when I actually need a home!
Well, you'll never be out of pot with a nig. Of course if you have a gf and you bring her around your apartment, she may go black, and never come back.
lizard said:
you need to get a female roommate(s).
That is something I'd like to stay far away from actually. I'm not into female roommates, if I'm living with a chick I need to be having sex with them on a monogamous basis. If I shag some random roommate it could cause problems, if I don't shag them, then I'll feel like a wuss. Lose lose.
you could maybe share aapartment with a few migrant Mexican families. At least you may get free mexican food out of the deal.
lizard said:
but then he might get their 13 yr old daughter pregant and have a child named Adrian Marquez.
I love you. :tickled:

I'm going to ask a few of my loser friends, I don't want to live with some random chode. I'm looking at a nice 3-bedroom house so even 2 roommates would still allow me to have a home studio, and money to actually build it. EDIT: I guess I'd make them share a room. :dopey:

Also if I work this situation right, I'm going to end up paying less for a house than in my apartment, even if my mortgage will be double what I'm paying for rent right now. Hmm.
If I shag some random roommate it could cause problems, if I don't shag them, then I'll feel like a wuss. Lose lose.

hahaha ... get an ugly chick as a roomate. beats a deadbeat guy ...
lurch70 said:
hahaha ... get an ugly chick as a roomate. beats a deadbeat guy ...
Oh sure, then feel shamed when I do plug her! :loco:

No way no how for female roommates, it just isn't going to happen. I wouldn't even move in with my girlfriend of over 3 years for fuck's sake!