Who has the most crappy computer???

If I would have answered this in the thread's heyday I'd have said:

Intel Pentium ][ 266 @ 274 (Yes, I have overclocked it by 8 MHz)
128 Mbyte RAM
RivaTNT 16 Mbyte

etc. But now I have:

AMD Duron @ 800
896 Mbyte RAM
Geforce2 32 Mb

etc. Also I have around 15-20 (lost count) ancient computers but I won't list them... Um...

Anyway, the 266 wasn't slow -- I use a proper operating system... I would never have switched, but someone sold me the Duron for around €80 so I figured it'd be dumb not to take the chance.
Well, starting from a handbuilt kit called the Elf. We (my father and I) never got it to work right. We owned all sorts of computers, from the Atari 400/800/800xl/1200xl, IBM 8086, 8088, 286, then MY first computer a 386sx25 with 4 megs of ram and a 20mb hard drive :p

Right now I'm on an Athlon 700 with 384 meg ram and 400gigs hard drive space.

Soon to upgrade to a 3.2Ghz P4 Alienware Area52 with the Geforce 5900. \m/
xenophobe said:
Geforce 5900. \m/
If you wanna hear your music stay away from anything
with the GayHorse brand, nVidia sucks balls as a company
too, fucking cheaters.

Anyway, since I now have a job, I am looking into getting
those 2 17" monitors and the Matrox (teh king of graphics
cards, they know the words quality and silence well ;) )
P750... but I have to modify my table a bit first...
I already have my TV hooked up to my comp, so that is cool
for watching divx movies and DVDs and such :D

Ah, so lovely to have a job and the money that comes with
it :)
I actually meant the huge noise those GayHorses make,
compared to the passive cooling in the cards I use.
(yes, I know the new ones have better cooling, I still always imagine
that fucking FlowFX when I talk about anything GayHorse.)
I am a silence freak, what can I say.

I am actually using my onboard sound right now, since
I don't like Creative Craps either, have to get a REAL
soundcard soon I guess... have to find a good one tho,
non-Creative, non-Terratec one.
Have you looked at the m-Audio Audiophile 2496 or Delta 410? They're supposed to be very good cards for the money. The Delta 410 has 8 analog outputs and 2 digital ones, 2 analog inputs and 2 digital ones, SPD/IF, 24-bit/96 KHz playback/recording(?) and all kinds of shit. It should be pretty fucking great for home studio work and should cost ya only around $200. I'd get one pronto if I had the money. If you aren't going to do home studio stuff you might want to take a look at the Audiophile 2496 instead... Everywhere I go I hear nothing but praise for these cards.
no but I"ve looked intot the 34 pciw analog audiophile with 23807pjkfae; ;aekwfj peripherals at 43MHz of stereo compatibility and delta 243-0=34 spdk/ppgge technoology. You dshould also look into upgraading your sysitem pcjack/moy to 25556 Fhz. they only cotst about $404i23[j dollarss
I get that with Windows XP updated earlier today....

My laptop beats all of you.
75 mhz Pentium
512K RAM
28.8 onboard modem card
battery with approx. 3 seconds life

not sure about the hard drive...
and the OS... the almighty