Who hates their job?

Hehe no shit man. I have been going on friggen interviews like crazy lately. I went on a second interview today with a Digital Graphic Image co, for a shipping coordinator/fullfillment person, I think I got the job, i'll find out either tomorrow or friday, It was one of the best interviews I have ever been on. good luck on finding a job.

I had a phone interview yesterday for a software engineer position and the guy was throwing all kinds of book-smart questions at me. "oh, sorry if I didn't use the proper term 'data-encapsulation', or my definition of 'polymorphism' wasn't exactly the same as what's in your glossary. I was pissed after that interview. I'm already about to give up. I should just fuck my field and go to work for a federal agency since I have a college degree and military experience.
Hey, I work a register at a local grocery store and it is not the button pressing that sucks (actually that part is really fun!), it is dealing with VERY rude customers who are angry and impatient just because they haven't gotten leid in like a billion years! Whew! Home from work now just lettin' off some steam....lol!
Well I love my job, I pretty much travel the world installing Semi Conductor equipment which takes about 2-3 weeks to complete plus the Per Diem is a great way to get tax free money. Next week I'm off to Malaysia, then if all goes well Japan. AH and getting paid to fly too...
Hey Bear, you can always work at Hine Design again, oh wait they were bought out... :P
I really need a job, because if I don't, no education for me. I guess it's my own fault for choosing a private school rather than the university, which is free.
Any job in retail sucks because you have to deal with people. I work at a custom framing shop where I get to stay in the back and frame pictures, but I have to answer the phone and answer the questions that stupid morons call and ask. :bah: Now I hate the telephone with a passion :(
Try to speak to customers that really don't speak english, but enough to get by. I do have to decipher what the say and mean, so I guess I'm fluent in Broken Englsih :P At least I can speak some Japanese and know when I'm getting bitched at!
I've been a Medical Lab Tech in a hospital for 27 years. High stress, but more now because of all the documentation and regs. I work very hard. I would still recommend a medical career for the pay and stability (ANY kind of work in the medical field), also you help people who are in need. There are times I hate it because it stresses me out :yow:, but I have diversions (my family, good music, and SymX shows to look forward to!)
During the last 9 years I've been working in several places, from dry cleaner's to mental hospital, and I gotta say, that I love my current job :)
I work as a seamstress in a large company, I get paid 12 €/ hour, which is better than in any other company in the textile industry, at least here in Finland.
I've been working there for 1,5 years now, and I still like to go there every day. I guess, I'll be working there 'til my retirement :)
i used to work in a wig stall at the markets ..that was a really cool job..except in summer when u get these very heavy sweating women with greasy dandruffy hair wanting to try a wig on.. that is so gross. its like..oook we will be throwing these wigs out when we're done. i had to give it up for family commitments. but i wish i could have stayed.
I'm a coorespondant for a newspaper. I have regular weekly assignments, (local crime and religion, lol) but I'm also assigned feature now and then. The beauty of this job is that I get to work from home and make my own hours. I only get paid for what gets printed but I'm the second income in my family so it doesn't matter and I don't need to provide benefits. I LOVE my job!!!! :cool:
rockmanxpr said:
Well I love my job, I pretty much travel the world installing Semi Conductor equipment which takes about 2-3 weeks to complete plus the Per Diem is a great way to get tax free money. Next week I'm off to Malaysia, then if all goes well Japan. AH and getting paid to fly too...
Hey Bear, you can always work at Hine Design again, oh wait they were bought out... :P

Alrighty whats up!! Who are you??? :loco:

the_satanic_rabbit said:
Having a job that sucks is better than not having one at all. :(

I could not have said it better myself. As ashamed and embarrassed as I am to admit it, I work in printing. Printing is one of most stressful, frustrating occupations there is. I'm constantly inhaling toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, It's noisy all the time, one very seldom gets compliments for doing a good job but if you fuck up, you hear about it practically right away. Also, there's a lot of back-stabbing and finger-pointing in the printing business. No wonder a lot a printers are alcoholics. Plus, in my case, most of my co-workers have two-digit IQs.

So as much as I detest it all, it's infinitely preferable to get a paycheck on a regular basis givin the state of the U.S. economy these days. I still have hopes and dreams of winning the Powerball (lottery).

One more thing. Anybody thinking about going into printing as a career, I would strongly advise against it! You'll likely end up regretting it and starting to drink a lot.

Cheers :)