Who hates their job?

Damn it... After saying all those nice things about my job, I heard yesterday, that the company is thinking about moving the whole sewingroom to Portugal, 'cause it's cheaper

Oh well, I guess I gotta start asking for a transfer to another division of the company sometime soon...
yeah a job wouldn't be too bad (occupation or blow will do), im a bit lacking in motivation though, besides cash.
what's everyone's dream job?? that you'd do for the rest of your life?
rockmanxpr said:
While you worked in shipping at Hine I was one of the Robotics tech there that actually knew about shredders, and there wern'te too many of those there!

Wait I think I remember your the guy that always talked about Anime's right? Sorry I forgot your name man, it's been awhile. Cool to see someone from my past on the Sym X board, this band ownz!!

VicRattlhd502 said:
I could not have said it better myself. As ashamed and embarrassed as I am to admit it, I work in printing. Printing is one of most stressful, frustrating occupations there is. I'm constantly inhaling toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, It's noisy all the time, one very seldom gets compliments for doing a good job but if you fuck up, you hear about it practically right away. Also, there's a lot of back-stabbing and finger-pointing in the printing business. No wonder a lot a printers are alcoholics. Plus, in my case, most of my co-workers have two-digit IQs.

So as much as I detest it all, it's infinitely preferable to get a paycheck on a regular basis givin the state of the U.S. economy these days. I still have hopes and dreams of winning the Powerball (lottery).

One more thing. Anybody thinking about going into printing as a career, I would strongly advise against it! You'll likely end up regretting it and starting to drink a lot.

Cheers :)

Man I hear you.......I am a printer too and hate waking up everyday to go to work with a bunch of old- should've retired know it all jerks, who can't see anymore let alone hear. I have had it, so a year ago I went back to school and am planning on changing careers entirely. I plan to go into computers- networking and that type of thing. I can't wait to graduate so I can move on.

I work with the laziest of people who glide under the radar and manage to somehow keep their jobs- they are damn lucky I am not in charge or they would be looking.

Printing does suck esp. when you work for an archaic printer who is so far behind the times that practically nothing is up to today's standards as far as automation.

But whatever, I am tired of it so I am doing something about it and school has actually been a great diversion for me, along with great music. So one day soon I plan to blow that pop stand and move on with life so I can be happy again.

I'm too young to be miserable........
If you are unhappy at your jorbs i suggest you read some Dilbert books. I highly reccomend Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel, or his first book The Dilbert Principle. I prefer the weasel book though.

anyway: I got a jorb, actually 2. And may hear back from other places as well. But so far it doesnt look like a happy summer ahead of me

First job: Working in my moms office, physically moving files and file cabinets. Doesnt sound too bad, but still, its work with mom ...sigh... I only have to work 2 or 3 days a week though at 8 bucks an hour

Second job: listen to this one. Bath-house Attendant! I am going to be a public pool boy letting people know they cant enter the pool. This is a full time job but the pay is shitty 5.55 an hour and weekends are a must. A job is a job, I just need something to do this summer. I dont think it will be too bad, i know a few people there.

Heres to optimism!