Who is a musician?

Been writing songs for some time now, got myself a guitar not long ago, so I hope I can get some good things out of it together with my writing..
I was in a band for 5 years as a singer, keyboard fills and some light guitar work. Presently I just own an acoustic guitar, write some songs etc...I am looking foreward to buying an electric with some effects so I can have a bit more fun. A nice little home studio would be nice but I just never get around to it. Someday though. It's so easy to own a home studio now with all the available technology.
I play guitar.
Soon I'm going to own a band and fire the personel constantly, then when a woman pours wather over me, I'll tell her she unleashed the fucking fury! :)
I have classical singing lessons for quite some time now. I'm not singing in a band though but in a classical choir and I'm working on some solo stuff too atm (classical as well). I'm quite curious about metal singing though but I think the technique is so different (metal: mostly head voice, classcial: only chest voice) that it would be hard to combine both sucessful classical and metal singing.
I've been playing keys/piano for 8 years, I'm also a singer and I play some guitar. I've been part of an orchestra for a little while now, but I haven't formed a band yet.
Yes I'm a guitarist and a classically trained pianist. I'm finishing my Royal Conservatory exams. I have an instrumental album coming out I'll be sure to post some clips on the site.
Singer-songwriter-accoustic guitarist, getting back into solo performing in clubs this year after 15 years off. (maybe this year, maybe next) :eek:
mark_bwaite...we'll look forward to the clips!
I'm quite curious about metal singing though but I think the technique is so different (metal: mostly head voice, classcial: only chest voice) that it would be hard to combine both sucessful classical and metal singing.

You are sure you know what's head voice right? anyway, with a little practice it'll be fairly easy to sing in head voice.
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
You are sure you know what's head voice right? anyway, with a little practice it'll be fairly easy to sing in head voice.

Head voice ususally isn't part of classical singing education (unless you're trained as a counter tenor). Actually singing in head voice is considered "wrong" there. As a bass-bariton the range of my chest voice stops at about F', for everything beyond that point I need the head voice. I never really practiced to sing in head voice, I don't even know how to really practice that...
Originally posted by Tyrion
Head voice ususally isn't part of classical singing education (unless you're trained as a counter tenor). Actually singing in head voice is considered "wrong" there. As a bass-bariton the range of my chest voice stops at about F', for everything beyond that point I need the head voice. I never really practiced to sing in head voice, I don't even know how to really practice that...

I'm still wondering why the heck they don't use head voice in classical singing, I know some guys that took classical lessons and they sing in head voice as well:confused: check this audio out if you don't know what's head voice

Chest 2 Head