Who is the best guitar-player?

1. Michael Romeo - Nobody can rank higher than my hero :)
2. Alexi LAiho - The man's a god, although the new single suX
3. Jason Becker / Al Di Meola / Mark Knopfler!!! :D

All Iron Maiden guitarrists... Ill think that if you are fast guitarrist that doensnt always mean that you are good guitarrist.. And I dont mean alexi or ale are not good... But if you are good youll have to also play slowly...
i don't know that much about guitarrists, i'm not even one myself so what would i know... anyway the ones i regard the most are Paul Gilbert, Alexi, Tipton and Downing, Loureiro and Bittencourt...

from those the best is clearly Gilbert... then all of them are freaking amazing...

edit: some more: Claudio Marciello (argentinian) and Roope! don't forget about our good friend Roope :p
Vai, Satriani, Petrucci & Romeo are in my worship list at the moment.

:worship: STEVE VAI


:worship: JOE SATRIANI


There is allso plenty of other FUCKING GOOD guitarists like Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Vinnie Moore and so on...

BIG :worship: FOR ALL THEM!