Who is the best metal drummer out there?


Sep 7, 2001
Who do you think is the best drummer in metal? Base it on any criteria you desire, speed, complexity, it doesn't matter. My personal favorite to listen to is Gene Hoglan among others I don't think I need to mention
In terms of technical ability & attention to detail, Gene Hoglan (no question, IMHO of course...).
My personal favourite is Hellhammer. Some of the complex beats do my head in (eg 'Fall of Seraphs' on 'Mediolanum capta est' - I just know I spelt that wrong :loco: ) , he's great at playing fast and staying in time , and he gets around his kit soooo fast.
Kind of annoys me he uses triggers now, but he's still cool.:OMG:
just a few for different reasons...

danny carey (tool): he plays some of the weirdest shit i've ever heard.

sein reinert (cynic)

joey (slipknot): i know a lot of people on the board think slipknot are dipshits, but joey is not only fucking fast, but technical as hell, and can give any other drummer a run for his money.

and of course the prog. tangent, beautifully illustrated by Mike Portnoy, who among others, plays for Dream Theater.
Oooh, so many to mention so little time, hehe.
My personal favuorite for those reasons of complexity, speed, technique etc ... would be Richard Christy. He played on Death's "A Moment Of Clarity". He also plays for Iced Earth now. Need I say more?
Also I think Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) definately deserves an hounarble mention. As does the drummer from Italian band "Rhapsody" who is basically a metronome, his timing is so accurate.
Could go on and on but I won't cause I'm hungry :D
I dont think the Slipknot drummer is that great. He just does the job pretty good thats all.

Ill have to go with Hellhammer like yourdeadgroom said.
Hes not my favorite, but hes simply the best. His skills are amazing and hes extremely fast. Hes the only one in Mayhem who shows real talent.

Gene Hoglan is one the best yes. Though he said himself that he stole a drumming style from someone else in 'Individual Thought Patterns. Hes still fucking great.

Dave Lombardo (Slayer), Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel), Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy), Trym (Emperor), Vinnie Paul (Pantera), Sein Reinert (Cynic) are amongst the best in metal, along with....

Nick Barker. Hes my favorite. Maybe because CoF were one of the 1st extreme metal band i listened too. Hes not the best, but he has the best style. Just too good.
I forgot to mention one drummer who has just about the best feet I know (except maybe the aforementioned Christy). Raymond Herrera from Fear Factory. Very fast and controlled double kick. Fear Factory would be a much lesser band if it wasn't for him.
I can't say who the best is but honorable mentions go out to Mark Zonder (Fates Warning), Mike Portnoy, Danny Carey, Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel), good 'ol Anders Nordin, and whatever that guy's name is on the new Dimmu Borgir. I listened to Morbid Angel's "Blessed Are the Sick" for the first time in several years the other day and Sandoval just blows me away. Of course my favorite non-metal drummer of all time is Neil Peart (Rush), followed by Tim Alexander. Tim used to be in Primus. Now he's featured on a lot of fusion projects. He's absolutely incredible.

slipknot only has one "drummer", and that would be joey jordison, who double-basses like a maniac.

they also have two "percussionists" who basically beat shit onstage and do background vocals.
Tomas Haake of Meshuggah. Absolutely NO ONE makes up rhythms like this guy. I also enjoy Martin Lopez and Nick Barker. I don't value pure speed (though it does fit nicely sometimes) as much as I value creativity, complexity, the ability to fit the song, and the ability to not overplay.

the Akercocke drummer was truly brilliant live! im not a fan and actually hated their set supporting katatonia but the drumming stood out and i had to apreciate the quality, also the brief guitar solos were good too.
Yes Joey from Slipknot is really really fuckin good. I liked Slipknot when their first album just came out. Then i started to hate them as i realized the guitars were kinda cheap. But then i heard their new album IOWA and its actually pretty good. It has its moments. Joey blasts in that album too. Raymond from FF is not that good at all i dont think. I never hear him do any fills or anything. Hes good at double bass but i guess thats about it.
Trym Torson. Fast. precise, great great fills...good tones too...he's just the shit. He can do anything and makes it look so easy. and his fills just rule.

Gene Hoglan. what do i need to say?

Flo Mounier; crazy as fuck.

john from cephalic carnage: crazy as fuck

Hellhammer: very talented. fast, precise. his trigger tones aren't too great. they sounded good on GDOW but on the live video, they sound like shit. He's versatile too. arcturus, winds, kovenant, he does it all.

Doc (da man): he's fast. and cool..and fast. and tight. his blasts are so fuckin cool.
when it comes to speed one of the best is Morbid Angel/ Terrorizer drumer. when it comes to weird timing and originality it is for SURE the Melvins drummer ( listen closely).
anton maiden... come help me die! >P

Isn't this the guy who had a site of several gigabytes just about himself?