Who is the best metal drummer out there?

I feel that absolutely no one could dublicate Hellhammers drum patterns. He's a fuckin animal! And can play any drum style with the best of 'em.

Honerable mentions to: Doc, Trym, Myrkskog's drummer, Yattering's Drummer, Frost, Anders Nordin, Steve Flynn, Max Kolesne....
I see many of you don't want to have the trigger debate, and that's fine. But to clear up any confusion there is a difference between trigging the drums and plainly cheating.

For those who don't know, trigging means you still actually have to play the drums, you just replace the sounds with the sounds from a module... that's not cheating, it's just an easy way to get an ok drum sound without spending days trying to find the perfect mic placement for the set, etc.

On the other hand if you listen to the latest Dimmu Borgir, any skilled ear will hear that the drums are just completely perfect. Too perfect in fact, to be played like that live in the studio.

And Mr. Barker has even secretly admitted that they have cheated, of course asking people to keep this a secret. They used pro tools and other methods to actually move the hits and quantizing the bass-drums to make it perfect.

I'm sure many will also be disappointed when they hear that this is a common thing in metal. The only guy I can say for SURE doesn't use this method is Hellhammer, simply because I can hear clearly small minor mistakes here and there which wouldn't be there if they cheated.

I also know this because I am aquainted with the studio where it was recorded and the guy who produced the record, and they actually don't even have that type of equipment there.

And I'm not even saying it's necessarily wrong to use this method because it sure sounds impressive, but as far as discussing who has the best skill as a drummer, those who cheat can not be considered there.
My favorite is Chris Reifert from Autopsy. He always seems to be able to hit the right drum, if that makes sense? His fills and rolls are never less than perfect for whatever song he's playing.

His vocals are great too. I'd say he's the best DM singer out there. He's one of the few DM vocalists who manages to actually sound as deranged as the lyrics; there's genuine emotion in there.

Oh,and Sandoval definitely uses triggers. But he only uses one foot on his blasts though, which is pretty impressive. Most drummers use both bass drums, with the individual feet going at half time to the blast.

Lee B
Originally posted by imaginary
And Mr. Barker has even secretly admitted that they have cheated, of course asking people to keep this a secret. They used pro tools and other methods to actually move the hits and quantizing the bass-drums to make it perfect.

I also remember hearing or reading somewhere that some drummers who are uncapable of playing the fast double pedal parts themselves pat on a triggered pad with sticks and use the bassdrum sound from the module for that.. lame! :bah:

Anyway, knowing that changes my opinion on Mr. Barker. (wuff wuff, bark bark). HellHammer kicks more (b)ass. ;)
A few that did not get mentioned:

Ole Ohman -- Dissection
He's not the fastest, but he adds subtleties to the music, one of my favorite drummers period.

Mindrot's drummer on Dawning; just listen to it!

Pete Hamoura -- Nile
WTF? The most brutal drummer ever, curse you all for not voting for him!
I cant believe noone here has said
yet! This guy is fkn amazing!!! Listen to Funeral in Carpathia (off the cradle to enslave EP). it is bloody kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Danny Carey from Tool has always mesmorised me with that weird hypnotic style of his.

Of course, Martin Lopez doesn't do too bad a job! :)
I find myself thinking of Blackwater Park...Bleak hammers!

I don't forget Anders Nordin either...Morningrise!...memorable

Also, non-metal:

John Densmore from The Doors. I love the tribal / theatrical sounds he unleashes on some of the less 'poppy' songs. Prime example: The End.
Gene Hoglan
Richard Christy
Nick Menza (RUST IN PEACE... Listen to 'Take no prisoners' :headbang: )
Sein Reinert
Tomas Haake (MESHUGGAH!!!!! :headbang: )
Igor Cavalera