Sweet! My wife is Italian and a metalhead so life is just perfect for me,

Yeah, I live in Friuli, between Udine and Pordenone, and I don't know if you've ever been to a place where the people there act like they're more than they are...but that's Pordenone.
Let's start with the male plastic haircuts: WTF? Guys, come on!!!! I know the 80's is back but that doesn't mean that it should be sweeping the nation. The spiked down the middle/combed up the sides/combed down the back is a little out of hand. And MULLETS?!?!?! Yes, we Americans were retarded for starting that fashion trend, but that was in the early 80's and it was mainly for metalheads.
What about the shirts? What is the deal with every single shirt having some kind of patch on it that says something that makes no sense? I saw one the other day that said SAINT DIEGO, CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY. ???? Why? Why do you buy these things? And the pants? Guys...come on.
Commercials: "Vodafone: Laifa eese nau" You gotta be kidding me. Guys...stick with what you know best: calcio.
And what's with the naked dancers on Striscia and Le Iene? What about the naked dancers on the gameshows? What's next? Naked dancers on the TG? What's the deal with the big tittied Brazilian model doing the Real TV show? La Pupa e il Secchione? Are you kidding me? THE SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH? ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?!
The only people who seem sane to me in this wonderful country are the women. There's never any drama with Italian women...they just don't give a fuck and they can take care of themselves. There's no teasing or leading on or any of those games. If she likes you and wants to do you, she'll do you. If not, she'll let you know. Up front. No bullshit.
The guys are the ones with the enormous problems. I know some who can't cook, clean, wash clothes, or anything. I know a guy who doesn't even know how to make a fucking sandwich. DIO CANE!!!! E' SOLO UN PANINO!!!! E' DUE PEZZI DI PANE CON CARNE, FORMAGGIO FORSE, E MAIONESE!!!! VAI FUORI DEI COGLIONI!!!!!
I'm sure the girls will agree with me on this one....