Who receives the report when you report a bad post?

The Forum Moderators and Mark get these messages. 95% of the ones I receive are rather silly and pointless.

If a forum mod is harassing you, PM Mark directly. Chances are, that nothing will happen, the censorship level on this forum is at a minimum for a reason. As good or bad as that may be.
Wanna bottle =*(
monikaedv said:
It's not the criticism, it's the gloating I react to.
now who exactly was GLOATING over you leaving the band? (aside from one fellow who didn't like your vocals... and said so) most of what you called "harassment" came from the comparisons of atrox and madder mortem, which were crude, but in no way "gloating" over the fact that you left atrox, just that several of the posters did not like either band! hell, jaykeeley even enjoyed the last atrox album and mentioned it in his top 10 of 2003! i don't exactly think he was "gloating" over the fact that you quit the band...:err: