Who remembers?

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
Going through my old tapes and LP's the other day, and came upon some things I had forgotten. Who remembers these guys?

Four Horsemen
Circus of Power
Quiet Riot
Salty Dog
Slaughter (ahhh! I still listen to this one!)
Bullet Boys

If anyone has some obscure shit, post it up! :headbang:
I remember Slaughter Bullet Boys and Quiet Riot. I bought a live Slaughter album dirt cheap thinking it was a greatest hits and Mark Slaughter ripped live. I couldn't believe he can sing like that live.

Cool band few people know of is Powermad, not to be confused with Powermad5000. I think JD has heard these guys to. Great old-school thrash band, but with a lot of higher clean vocals as opposed to raspy vox.

Bryant said:
I remember Slaughter Bullet Boys and Quiet Riot. I bought a live Slaughter album dirt cheap thinking it was a greatest hits and Mark Slaughter ripped live. I couldn't believe he can sing like that live.

Cool band few people know of is Powermad, not to be confused with Powermad5000. I think JD has heard these guys to. Great old-school thrash band, but with a lot of higher clean vocals as opposed to raspy vox.

I remember Powermad. Nice Dreams was a great song. Bulletboys were another good one. Salty Dog kicked ass as well, and Quiet Riot's Metal Health was my first album, back when I was nine. Holy shit- that was 20 years ago...
I used to have that Four Horsemen on tape too! Not too sure what happened to it but I remember that I did like it and used to listen to it quite a bit while cruising around. One of these days I'll actually dig out all of my tapes and stuff and see what's in there.
bestwestranger said:
Going through my old tapes and LP's the other day, and came upon some things I had forgotten. Who remembers these guys?

Four Horsemen
Circus of Power
Quiet Riot
Salty Dog
Slaughter (ahhh! I still listen to this one!)
Bullet Boys

I wasn't into most of that stuff but I did like a couple of Circus of Power
songs ...thought they woulda gone farther in their career- too bad so sad,
and I definitely remember the Four Horsemen....Kirk,James, Lars and
JUST KIDDING. Dumb Joke yeah yeah get over it. Four Horsemen, what
happened to those guys? One minute I'm taking bonghits and and they
are together and one day I'm not stoned anymore and they're gone!
Were'nt they signed to Def American when Danzig and the Black Crowes
were back in 91/92/93?
bestwestranger said:
Going through my old tapes and LP's the other day, and came upon some things I had forgotten. Who remembers these guys?

Four Horsemen
Circus of Power
Quiet Riot
Salty Dog
Slaughter (ahhh! I still listen to this one!)
Bullet Boys

If anyone has some obscure shit, post it up! :headbang:

I remember all of those band accept WFO. The first 2 Circus Of Power albums have spent many many hours spinning in my cd player. Was lucky enough to see them live once.

Anyone remember Dirty Looks?
Or how about Femme Fatale?
Yeah, I had at least one cassette or lp of all bands mentioned. Still listen to Quiet Riot's METAL HEALTH on cd from time to time to bring back fond memories of parachute pants and cutting class. THE FOUR HORSEMAN and CIRCUS OF POWER are the best on the list, though. Here's a fact for you....

C.O.P's singer, Alex Mitchell is actually the cousin of my childhood best friend. When they first hit the big time (if you can call being on MTV and a couple magazine articles the big time) he sent my buddy a bunch of COP swag and autographs which I still have tucked away. Too bad they never got huge a la metallica....we could'a been living the good life on tour with them or something! haha
I have an old (duh) tape of headbangers ball with the COP video of "Motor".

WFO was a glam/speedmetal group with Michael Angelo playing lead. He had a crazy 4 neck guitar shaped like an X. He could shred on it both left AND right handed.

I did an internet serch for the F.H. and came up with very little. So far all the music I have found is from their "Nobody Said" album. I did get ahold of a song called Hotrod thru Kazaa (oops, did I say that?). It was a great song, but sadly nothing else can be found....

How about...
Trouble Tribe
David Lee Roth (oh, wait, nevermind) lol
Faster Pussycat
Faster Pussycat! Hell yeah! Wake Me When It's Over was a great CD that still gets played at my house. Here's another one-remember Kix? Highly underrated band that sang Don't Close Your Eyes? I saw them live years ago and they were awesome. All their CD's are classics in my book. Great straight-ahead rock 'n roll.
arborist said:
Faster Pussycat! Hell yeah! Wake Me When It's Over was a great CD that still gets played at my house. Here's another one-remember Kix? Highly underrated band that sang Don't Close Your Eyes? I saw them live years ago and they were awesome. All their CD's are classics in my book. Great straight-ahead rock 'n roll.

Loved Faster Pussycat! Thay had a Hanoi Rocks thing going on.... kinda.

Kix are from my neck of the woods (along with Wrathchild America). Man, those guy rocked live! They were sooo tight live, and sooo fun. Plus they never put out a bad album, Midnight Dynamite is my favorite. Even their last album (Show Business (1995)) was a killer. Rumor going around right now is that they are getting back together, all the original members accept the bass player. They are doing a new years eve jam/reunion thing at a Funny Money show (the singers new band) and it looks like they may give it another go after that.

How about CHILD'S PLAY amd DIRTY LOOKS, anyone remember them? They were 2 other bands from this area that kinda made it. All of them were signed to Atlantic Records. They seemed to snap up all of the East coast metal bands back then.... and let them set on the label and rot. That label never really help their bands. The only band that really made any noise was Kix, and it took them almost 10 years to get noticed.
Greeno, I am glad I am not the only one who thought Kix was a great band. They were amazing live, weren't they?!? I didn't know they might get back together; thanks for the info. By the way, when you saw them live, did they do Cold Shower? Holy shit, when I saw them, Steve Whiteman was wailing on that one...
arborist said:
Faster Pussycat! Hell yeah! Wake Me When It's Over was a great CD that still gets played at my house. Here's another one-remember Kix? Highly underrated band that sang Don't Close Your Eyes? I saw them live years ago and they were awesome. All their CD's are classics in my book. Great straight-ahead rock 'n roll.
The first Pussycat disc was great & there's some select KIX tracks that I like.
bestwestranger said:
WFO was a glam/speedmetal group with Michael Angelo playing lead. He had a crazy 4 neck guitar shaped like an X. He could shred on it both left AND right handed.
You're talkin' about the band with Jim Gillette? Mr. Lita Ford right?!
The bass player had that David Letterman bass?! They covered Cat Scratch Fever!