Who saw the first episode of "Death Clock Metalocalypse"?

RequiemX said:
Though the Fintroll reference was awesome.

That cracked me up.

From the Neverboard, a picture of Warrel Dane representin' Dethklok at Wacken (not sure what's up with his mic, though :) ):

i saw bits and pieces of ep 1 on the site, and it WAS awesome except my bloody connection was shaky and kept stopping in places and it made the whole experience really annoying.. im hoping one day it will all be available to buy coz i really want it!! the part when dethklok did the concert was brilliant though :lol:
Prepare for ultimate flavor, you're gonna get sum, NOW!:headbang:

That is seriously the most entertaining television show I have seen in years. Comedy, good death metal.... what more could one want?

BTW, the coffee jingle is blacker than the blackest black times infinity.
SilentRealm said:
that black line was one of my favourite.. 'we want to make coffee.. metal.. we want to make.. everything.. metal.. blacker than the blackest black.. times infinity' :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is so metal! I also liked the "don't be a dick, be a dude" line and of course, Murderface telling the old lady in the food library "it's pee-pee time" and proceeded to piss in the store's olives.
:lol: oh god murderface is one UGLY dude!!! and the blonde one is just like a long haired version of this russian guy i know, so everytime he speaks i think of the russian and crack up laughing..