Who the heck are you guys?


I love how people always tell me that I will change my mind.
I tend to believe there are far too many people who idealize marriage and/or kids. They reach a certain age, where one or both are appropriate/encouraged, and feel compelled to take the leap as if they never had a choice. Obviously, there are people out there who love that whole Norman Rockwell kind of life. And that's great. There are those who have kids, and still balance a healthy social life. And there are those, who looked trapped and miserable. There are many paths. It's important to figure out what works for you.

Well... let's see. This year we're going to Puerto Rico for a week, Chicago for five days, Europe for sixteen days (London, Amsterdam and Germany (Wacken)) and Atlanta for five days (ProgPower). Next year, probably Slovenia for a week (with a stop over in Prague) and two weeks in Hawaii, plus a few smaller trips, if all goes well. We go to nice restaurants whenever we please and our social calendar is as complex or as simple as we wish it to be. Our lives are our own and money isn't a concern. Oh yeah, we'll retire when we're 55 and spend the rest of our days in the Caribbean in flip flops, smoking Cuban cigars (<---well, I'll be smoking Cuban cigars, not the wife).
Any other questions?

Hey, I have a lot of respect for people who want to raise kids and do that whole propegating the species thing. I know some folks who have kids and couldn't be happier (JK for one). In the end, that's what it's about (whatever makes you happy). I also know a lot of folks, with kids, who look like they wish they had it to do all over again. Regardless, I'm always surprised when people look at us like we have two heads when we say we don't have or want kids. It's not as if we were offered "cake or death" and chose death.

ACE POST right there. You definitely have your priorities in order.

BTW, I'd love to give you as much insight into Hawaii as possible for your trip. Been there five times and know it pretty well.

I tend to believe there are far too many people who idealize marriage and/or kids. They reach a certain age, where one or both are appropriate/encouraged, and feel compelled to take the leap as if they never had a choice. Obviously, there are people out there who love that whole Norman Rockwell kind of life. And that's great. There are those who have kids, and still balance a healthy social life. And there are those, who looked trapped and miserable. There are many paths. It's important to figure out what works for you.


Hell yes. I know waaaaaay to many people who are engaged or married and are younger than 21. What the fuck are they thinking???
There are many paths. It's important to figure out what works for you.

I think what would really make me happy, quite honestly, is a situation much like your own. A girl I consider a soulmate who isn't really interested in kids, at least not right away, who loves to travel, can have fun with my friends, take things as they come, tolerate my music and give great head.

I'd probably throw a jeer Krig's way, but I remember Erik used to do such things to me, and at that point I was wanting to seriously get to work on that device that would allow me to stab people in the face over the internet, so you know what, I won't. But I'll just say enough to make you all SPECULATE!

I think what would really make me happy, quite honestly, is a situation much like your own. A girl I consider a soulmate who isn't really interested in kids, at least not right away, who loves to travel, can have fun with my friends, take things as they come, tolerate my music and give great head.


Isn't it a dream of every metal head to find a woman that likes metal mush as you?
personally i cant wait for my kid...if it's a boy.

looking forward to doing the daddy stuff. playing ball, giving him condoms because he's gonna be a ladies man, getting him ready to change the world. smoking some reefer with him, taking him to metal shows and nudie bars, showing him how to cheat in school....the important stuff

never was into taking trips like Zod does, but it's cool he and his wife like that stuff.

this kid wasn't exactly planned, but we didn't really try to prevent it either. too many of our friends were having trouble getting pregnant, so we thought if it happens, it happens. well, first shot out of the gate, my boys scored.
I think what would really make me happy, quite honestly, is a situation much like your own. A girl I consider a soulmate who isn't really interested in kids, at least not right away, who loves to travel, can have fun with my friends, take things as they come, tolerate my music and give great head.
LOL. Exactly.

@ Zod's post about all the places he's going: I'm not going anywhere for a loooooooooooong time :lol:
And, as far as the "no kids? are you fucking crazy?!" routine, if you just have one, like me, you get the "just one? are you fucking crazy?!" routine. It's always something :lol:
Most of you are over your twenties, and you seem to have the luxury of time. Time to listen to countless bands, time to post here, time to go to shows and festivals... you also seem to spend quite much money on this pricey hobby.
So, where do you get the time and money? where do you work? what are your career plans?

I had time to listen to a ton of stuff while in college. Is there any other time in life where you have more free time? And it takes even less time to post here. As for shows and festivals, I've never been to any. I was able to spend a lot of money on CDs then as well because I lived with my mother, had half off tuition, and had a scholarship.

But that was well over a year ago. Now I'm 23, living in Japan, and have neither the time, money, nor energy to do much of anything.
But that was well over a year ago. Now I'm 23, living in Japan, and have neither the time, money, nor energy to do much of anything.

Pretty much the same here (apart from the Japan thing). I'm 22 and in the 18 months since I graduated (and since I have been working full-time) I've been feeling sorry for myself about the lack of time I have to do anything. I actually earn more money than I need to so I have enough to buy CDs, but my problem is finding the time. I've also recently moved in with my girlfriend so that takes up loads of my time too.

I guess you learn to manage your time better though. I'm sure I'm not that busy compared to most people, but because it's new to me I find it tough to fit in music listening time. I don't like my job so I'm in the process of looking for something new. The new job probably won't pay as much but I've come to realise that money isn't as important as I once thought.
29, making lots of money as a semiconductor engineer. I listen to music all day at work, then whenever I want to at home, since I live alone. Have plenty of money and time off to go to as many shows as I want to, although I try to keep things as cheap as possible since I save like it's goin' out of style (well, apparently it is!) Hope to keep that going as long as possible, and if all works out as planned, retire when I'm 41. Then I'll have way *more* time to do all that stuff for the next 60 years or so.

Like Zod, I have no desire to have kids (in addition to his reasons, there's already too many people on this Earth!), so my way to create a legacy is to spend all my free time making long-winded, boring message board posts, trying to convince as many random people as I can to think like I do!


I love how people always tell me that I will change my mind.

I have to agree, it's something I hear an awful lot. Normally followed by the assertion that not having children is selfish, which always amazes me. I'm 100% with Zod that whatever anyone wants to do, all power to them - and his reasoning is very similar to mine when it comes to my desire not to father children - but I'm young, and even if I were to change my mind, I would still have to consider very carefully bringing new life into an overpopulated and unstable world. I always find it galling that somehow a large number of people consider not having children for the reasons Zod pointed out somehow more selfish than having children to continue your name and create a legacy. There are selfish and selfless reasons to do both, but this is something that seems to completely escape the awareness of a lot of parents.
I have to agree, it's something I hear an awful lot. Normally followed by the assertion that not having children is selfish, which always amazes me. I'm 100&#37; with Zod that whatever anyone wants to do, all power to them - and his reasoning is very similar to mine when it comes to my desire not to father children - but I'm young, and even if I were to change my mind, I would still have to consider very carefully bringing new life into an overpopulated and unstable world. I always find it galling that somehow a large number of people consider not having children for the reasons Zod pointed out somehow more selfish than having children to continue your name and create a legacy. There are selfish and selfless reasons to do both, but this is something that seems to completely escape the awareness of a lot of parents.
I can't help but wonder, if on some level, it's not a "misery loves company" kind of thing. Granted, as I said, I have friends who love being parents. It gives them a lot of joy, and it suits them completely. However, from what I can tell, it appears that most people with kids, would choose not to have kids, if they had it to do all over again. And on some level, I get the sense they're bothered that we viewed having kids as a choice.

I don't know, I never thought I would ever want kids in my life, and didn't even like being around them really, even after my two cousins were born (now 6 and 3). But then my nephew was born, and I've taken a fairly large role in raising him, and he has completely changed my perspective on having children, which leads me to believe that the desire to have children for men may be at least partly linked to actually being exposed to them in a very intimate way.

Well, that's my two cents anyway. But honestly, the change in my prior to and after my nephew was born was incredibly significant, and I don't think I'm the only one.
23, living with my parents (can't wait to get out, but financially this works for me atm), working as a data inputter at an electrical contractors firm. Bring home about &#163;880 a month, of which (just lately) about &#163;50 goes on new CDs (ordering from America is the way to go at the moment, what with the exchange rate being what it is). Saving up money at the moment to go to the School of Sound Recording and do an Audio Technology and Engineering course.