Who the heck are you guys?

I knew I wanted kids at about 23. Bear in mind, I was still single and living alone at the time. :tickled: I even made an inquiry for adoption (this was a time when there were thousands upon thousands of kids being orphaned in old Romania under that Ceacescu dictator). The adoption agency told me that it was hard enough adopting being married in a strong relationship let alone being a single parent. D'oh. :loco:

So anyway, left the UK for the US at 28, moved in with my then-girlfriend, Heather, we got married a couple of years later. We'd both already traveled the world over a couple of times so we were ready to settle down. Had our first kid, Chloe, in 2002 and then Sebastian in 2004. Both pregnancies were planned to the nth degree.

One of each and now we are done!

That said, when we see all these natural disasters in the world, like that earthquake in Pakistan, or the tsunami in SE Asia, leaving thousands of young kids orphaned, we have the urge to adopt one. Maybe one day, if we pine for a third, we'll adopt a 2 year old, but for now, we're good.

The wife is cool about me going to metal festivals etc without her (she's ok with metal but I doubt HC, etc is her scene much) so me going alone works well for everyone. It also gives me some time to get away and have a break. (Wifey's used to me traveling anyway since I'm an IT/business strategy consultant for a global management consultancy, and she used to be one herself so there's no surprises.)

Oh yeah, one last point: we timed our kids accordingly, meaning if I was 40 and still without kids, I would have surely given up on the idea. There is no way in hell I would want to be 50 with a 10 year old child. I don't want to be going through my 40's still changing diapers, dropping kids off at pre-school, etc.

I'm actually looking forward to traveling and stuff WITH the kids! The other day, wife and daughter, who's now 5, went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. (My daughter is into art and goes to pre-school art academy). I'll probably take both kids to the Natural History this summer so we can start teaching evolution over creationism. And we've already done Sea World and Hawaii.

We also own houses in NY and London so we go over to Europe every other year. In a couple of years, we'll go to other places in Europe so the kids can appreciate all that good historic stuff, like Paris, Rome, and Athens.

I don't know if this all sounds like I'm justifying my situation or anything, hah, :tickled: but I can honestly, genuinely say that I'm really looking forward to spending more time with my two kids as they get older (and learn to appreciate all the good things in life). :cool:
I don't know if this all sounds like I'm justifying my situation or anything, hah, :tickled: but I can honestly, genuinely say that I'm really looking forward to spending more time with my two kids as they get older (and learn to appreciate all the good things in life). :cool:
Not all. You are definitely one of those people with whom parenthood agrees. And your kids are adorable.

I can't help but wonder, if on some level, it's not a "misery loves company" kind of thing. Granted, as I said, I have friends who love being parents. It gives them a lot of joy, and it suits them completely. However, from what I can tell, it appears that most people with kids, would choose not to have kids, if they had it to do all over again. And on some level, I get the sense they're bothered that we viewed having kids as a choice.


Indeed, peer pressure works at all ages, and I too get the feeling a lot of people of which I speak ended up having children because that is what is expected, and they felt coerced into it rather than having a genuine desire to be a parent. How common that is, however, I have no idea. I'd be interested to find out.

But I realise, I might as well answer the original question - I'm 23, living with my girlfriend, currently completing an MSc in geology. I don't bring home much money (only pay from Zero Tolerance, the magazine I write for) but don't spend much on CDs (most goes on DVDs) as I get a fair few promos for UM and ZT. When I do have money I still spend quite a bit on music. Since I found out on thursday I should mention that in an exciting development (for me :p ), from next year I'm going to be doing a PhD, and that will pay £1225 ($2400?) a month.

Which'll be nice after four years of having very little cash as a student. I go to a fair few concerts when people I like come into London, but rarely go to festivals as there aren't often a lot of bands I really want to see on a single lineup, and we have quite a few decent gigs here throughout the year.

I'll probably take both kids to the Natural History this summer so we can start teaching evolution over creationism.

Absolutely fantastic, I can't commend you strongly enough - if only more people would do so. The NHM in NY is fantastic (and the one in London is equally good if you bring your kids over here any time - I'd love the opportunity to show you guys around).
I'm 23 and live at home with my mom and three cats. Since graduating college with a B.A. in English with a Writing Concentration, I've been living at home and applying to grad schools in the hopes of getting into an M.F.A. program for Fiction Writing. I applied to five schools last year, but didn't get accepted. This year I applied to eight schools, and I hope I get into at least one of them, which would require a move if I do. To make money, I've been teaching English at a career college - think 2-year Associates Degrees - for the past year and spend most of my money on CDs, books, gas, food, and beer.
I'm 26 years old, beat my whore of a girlfriend, like to high class it once in a while at the local DQ, shit with the door open, own 17 cats which come in handy when money gets tight, love my dip, love my bourbon, drive a Chevy Z-28, and have moved 8 times in the last year due to unexplained explosions in my basement.

There, you happy?
I'm 21, live at home, and spend most of my money on useless shit like music and recreational activities. Yep.

I make $100-250 a week and spend a lot of it really fast.
I'm 16, obviously still living with my parents in some random remote area of Labrador, Canada. I don't listen to much metal besides some of the "avant-garde", some doom stuff I've been getting into and the burzumy black metal stuff. I listen to a fair bit of electronica and post-rock stuff. I'm thinking of doing something in either; physics, mathematics, or computer science when I graduate, but I don't know where I am going yet.
I also play guitar in a band that is basically defunct now.

19. Working for the Department of Natural Resources as a conservationist in forests and state parks, (see- tree hugging hippy) and a division of Americorps (which means Im technically a "volunteer" with no income). "Living" at home with my parents still, but my job requires lots of travel, sometimes for a week or more at a time. Play lots of heavy metal, folk/classical, and Jazz.