Who the Hell is "Bizzaro"!

Mar 2, 2009
Now that there is Finally a face to the name (thanks to Dustin plundering my myspace page) "bizzaro" Finally has a face. Obviously, nobody aside from Dustin and Al know who I am. So I figured I would officially introduce my self to those of you who care....
Iv'e been playing drums for about 16-17 years. I grew up jamming on Metallica, Megadeth, Soundgarden, Hendrix, Led Zepplin....Among others. But I really started cutting me teeth on Dream Theater, Spocks Beard, Symphony X, Fear Factory, Ark, Tool, Steve Vai, Angra, etc.etc.etc. I have continued to search out bands and expand my listening pool.
Aside from playing progressive metal. I also have a (limited) background in Jazz, funk, reggae, ska, fusion, and latin. I have always tried to stay diverse in my playing. I do however have a no-tollerance policy to country.:yuk:
Nothing gets me going like the complexities of progressive metal! It's my herion, and the drums are my needle!
I feel like I have some pretty huge shoes to fill, following up on Matt Suiter is no small task. Lucky for me we have the same name, aside from those of us that are seriously confused by references to "OLD"
Matt and "NEW" Matt. Most people will probably not even notice that there was a Matt Change. For those of us that are PERPLEXED! The nickname "Bizzaro" Was born. Just like in superman, he had his exact equal, but abosulte opposite. Matt Suiter and I have TONS of things styleistically, musically, and professionally in common. Our day jobs are even in the same industry, we have the same name, not to mention we are both balding! (he's just a few years ahead of me) Our work style's, ideas, personalities, and personal lives, and the fact that I have never.... :Puke: on stage make us absolute opposite.
Feel free to pick my brain!
Keep me posted!!!!:)
Matt 'BiZzaro' LeFevre