Who thinks that

God of Emptiness

Fluid Death Thoughts
Feb 18, 2002
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...Megadeth should kiss my ass?

The world needs a hero is just as terrible as Cryptic Writings, and 'Return to the hangar' is an insult to what megadeth used to be...

You can't just "Make shit albums" and then try and weasle your way back itno 'metal' with a half assed album and expect people to take you back.

Of course all the Megadeth BBers will have something to say about this of course, but who else gives a fuck apart from them?

Megadeth died ALONG time ago.
Just because some of us come from the Megadeth board does not mean that they are our favorite band. Nevermore is my favorite band by far, for example. As for TWNAH, it was just an average record, and yes they might very well be done. So far we have been accused of posting in an argumentative fashion. Meanwhile, Trapped makes 30 "I think DHIADW is boring" posts a day, and Ledmag speaks as if he were born out of the Dukes of Hazard without any provocation. Go figure.

I made a POINT of saying "but who else gives a fuck apart from them?" So that you wouldn't come and start a fight... but no, you just couldn't help yourself, now could you? :rolleyes:
I have to agree, it was a bit of a let down after all the excitement built up towards it with a "return to roots" and all that.

I still think its a good album but nothing like the rust in peace i was expecting in terms of speed and technique.

The next album sounds promising though with all the talk the band are giving about wanting to do that sort of thing again.

About the megadeth bb'ers thing. I do come from there but it doesnt mean that they are my favourite as someone said, the main reason i post there alot is because it has a good vide and great people who can discuss everything as well as all things metal without flaming each other.

The reason i am here is because nevermore are my favourite band and thats why ill continue to stay and support them.
' unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore--
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never-never more.'
Well, first I'll start off by saying that Megadeth is my favorite band. BUT, they're my favorite because of their material from 85-94...I have the other albums, but they just don't do it for me.

Second, a lot of the people on the Megadeth BB are jaded. They condone everything Megadeth does, and defends them at all times. By no means am I a "Megasheep."

My main reason for still loving Megadeth is probably based on the respect I have for Mustaine. He wrote a TON of awesome thrash songs, and was definitely a pioneer of the genre. I just hope HE remembers that.

from 1985 to 1990, they were incredible, imo.
Originally posted by true light
' unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore--
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never-never more.'
---------------------------god damn it your just a regular quote machine---your rarely fail to surprise me....he he
I enjoy older Megadeth like Peace Sells, Rust In Peace, So Far So Good, and Killing Is My Business. Although Killing... has been remastered, the original had a raw vibe similiar to Kill "Em All. Megadeth have had some truly gifted musicians in their ranks and my favorite line-up was with Marty Friedman (met him, supercool) and Nick Menza. I think the afore mentioned albums are master pieces and essential. I do like songs from Countdown, Youthenasia, and Cryptic Writings, but it seems as each album came out , Megadeth kept getting more and more commercial and less technical (Except for maybe Countdown but I'm sick of Foreclosure and the title track, too corny for me). In my opinion, Risk was utter shit and the World Needs A Hero (although it has some good songs) didn't match the hype. "Hero" was suppose to be a return to their "Thrash Roots", but the whole album wasn't. However, the New Live C.D. looks like it has a great track listing and I do respect Dave Mustaine along with Dave Ellefson, Jimmy Degrasso, and Al Pitrelli as musicians.
Originally posted by Poison God
Just because some of us come from the Megadeth board does not mean that they are our favorite band. Nevermore is my favorite band by far, for example. As for TWNAH, it was just an average record, and yes they might very well be done. So far we have been accused of posting in an argumentative fashion. Meanwhile, Trapped makes 30 "I think DHIADW is boring" posts a day, and Ledmag speaks as if he were born out of the Dukes of Hazard without any provocation. Go figure.


hahahahahaha, your asking for a virus arent you? Arent you hahahahaha.

I HAVE ACCUSED YOU of posting in an argumental fashion, since you brought me into this, i thought i would throw that in. Oh yeah,,that rusted dick guy has gotten himself into it now. BUt untill he steped in, for me, you were the only problem. Hell, evem MSC hasnt been fucking around as of late,,,,just U. HEY, you seem like you were born from that HBO or showtime gig,,,QUEER AS FOLK without any provocation,,so GO FIGURE.

If you stop your WHINING as you like to call it, then you know we will stop,. Or, are you such a flaming RETARD TURD that you cant figure it out on you own, without any help?
Originally posted by ledmag

hahahahahaha, your asking for a virus arent you? Arent you hahahahaha.

I HAVE ACCUSED YOU of posting in an argumental fashion, since you brought me into this, i thought i would throw that in. Oh yeah,,that rusted dick guy has gotten himself into it now. BUt untill he steped in, for me, you were the only problem. Hell, evem MSC hasnt been fucking around as of late,,,,just U. HEY, you seem like you were born from that HBO or showtime gig,,,QUEER AS FOLK without any provocation,,so GO FIGURE.

If you stop your WHINING as you like to call it, then you know we will stop,. Or, are you such a flaming RETARD TURD that you cant figure it out on you own, without any help?

Dude if you read the other posts on other current threads you shall see that both you and Trapped started going off on me because you thought I was PGM....I am POISON GOD (minus the machine). I have been defending myself. READ
Originally posted by ledmag
UHHHH, sorry. SORRY! YOu have the blue letters as your quote thing...ok

and my avatar is the cover of DNB. The other PGM has a skull of sorts. Like I said, no big deal. I doubt any of us took it seriously anyhow.

crytic writings is brillant, its better than POE inthe thrash sense

True Light...!!? Man, what are you on these days?? Too much Alchemist for you... Ha ha. Cryptic Writings "Brilliant"? Wow... thats a new one, totally out of right-field....!


Trust is a good song... but the rest of the album is a downer... Mastermind is pretty cool, the disintegrators is a peice of cliche' thrash wannabe'... I shudder every time i hear 'Iiiiiii've seeeen, the maaaaaaan use the needleeeeee" Gahh. *cringe*