Who wants to mix a cover made by my band please??

here's a quick 'n dirty mix: mattia_mix.mp3

i'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any

not a song i was familiar with but reminds me of 'another girl, another planet' - the other ones. in fact, this song was co-written by fat bob [out of the cure]

good luck!


{No Waves plug-ins were harmed in the making of this production}
here's a quick 'n dirty mix: mattia_mix.mp3

i'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any

not a song i was familiar with but reminds me of 'another girl, another planet' - the other ones. in fact, this song was co-written by fat bob [out of the cure]

good luck!


{No Waves plug-ins were harmed in the making of this production}

i like your mix man..thank you..can i ask you how do you process the melodic vocals?than you very much..
here's a quick 'n dirty mix: mattia_mix.mp3

i'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any

not a song i was familiar with but reminds me of 'another girl, another planet' - the other ones. in fact, this song was co-written by fat bob [out of the cure]

good luck!


{No Waves plug-ins were harmed in the making of this production}

thats because it's a blink 182 cover, and robert smith does vocals on it (:
unfortunately my reaper project got corrupted so i can't post any setttings but i can tell you roughly what i did:

on the main vocal i used ReTune to correct a couple of pitchy notes
next, 2:1 compression with about 8db gain reduction to even things out
next, spitfish de-esser to remove some of the sibilance
a little bit of slapback delay to thicken slightly
and a little bit of epicverb to give the vocal a little air

i copied the chorus vocals to 2 separate tracks and panned hard L & R
on each i used a little multiband compression in the midrange and added chorus of differing degrees to each side

both the main vocal and the backing vocals were bussed to a another reverb and added a slight amount to help hold them together

i would have automated the faders during the mix (guitars to loud) and eq'd (need to bring out the drums) but i literally threw it together in 20mins (at work) - and i checked in mono, laptop speakers and two types of headphones to get the basic levels right and went from there

hope that helps
thank you jmone..do you change the pitch of the voice??can you share details of vocals processing please?

i didnt change the pitch of the voice i just used a short delay and added a few db around 300
ehe i know damn!!probably i extracted the track with mute avtivated..i'm waiting for your mix man ;) i'm sorry for the guitars..i'll record them with a tuned well guitar..
yeah,i don't like vocals but i like very much the rest of the mix.can you explain what kind of process do you apply to guitars and in the master chain please?maybe with some screenshots?thank you very much