Who wants to mix my Indy / Rock / Dance College band!!!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
ok so the song was a live take done in an extremely well controlled room.

ill give the run down. we were getting a dvd done up of the band playing so they decided to do a recording of us while playing. the room is about 50 meters x 50 meters and about 30 meters high and it sounds literally like your in a box. the sound is so beautifully isolated in there.

sadly theres no d.i.'s on the guitars because so stupid people in my college dont believe in reamping.

theres 2 guitars, a clean recorded from a fender deville and a distorted recorded from a old jcm800 mkIII through a marshall cab.

drums is a pearl master series custom (what a sexy kit! you should of heart it on out p.a. - the p.a. is i think around 20 or 25k and the kit sounds amazing through it)

bass is d.i. taken from an ash-down stack.

there are also 2 synths.

vocals there are 2 lead vocal mics. our singer sings through one while playing synth stuff and through another when he's not playing his synth.

theres aslo a 3rd vocal mic for our backing singer.

eh thats about it - i tried doing a mix but i really aint too good at mixing this style. i dont have a clue and i never learned how to really record. its just what i picked up.

pre-production mix is here (ie: not mixed) : http://homepage.eircom.net/~deathcast/drp.mp3

and the files are here - some people said they had problems opening the zip so if it does not work for you go to page 2 of this post and look for posting number 36 for a direct link to each wav - try the zip if you want though : http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/881304/Dr%20Proctor%20-%20Gentlemen.zip

go forth young and show me some magic! ...if you want
this is a live take straight from the protools room from the studio so as far as bpm i think its around 170...ish.

no rush or anything people - its just that id like to hear other mixes of our song. the mix we have of our studio version is a bit naf and i dont have the files so if i like what i hear here i'll be hiring the person do do some mixing in the near future if they're up to it for a nice price.

i dont mind if you trigger off the kit. ohh and if your wondering that that shouting is from the drum oh's its our retarded drummer. he screams along when he plays the song. its a cunt when you need to comp something and then he comes through the mix.
Before I download this - the preprod track is in mono. Do you have double tracked guitars and stereo overheads and synths? It sounds really good but if I can pretty much only work in mono..
oh crap - i didnt realise i mixed the pre prod into mono. i didnt pan anything - i just loaded everything into audacity and exported it to have a prepro. (ps - i dont use audacity! its a joke of an application for doing anything)

guitars are eh...well its a 57 on each amp. one fender on stage right and 1 marshall on stage left.

there are stereo overheads and there are mono synths i think. strings panned to the right and the other moog thing or whatever my singer used was panned left.

thats how their named. "L & R" - fuckin irish engineers are retarded for not making them stereo. what i done in my own mix is split the track and panned each one left and right and put a leslie and a wide slow phaser on them to give them a more stereo wide feel through the song and have them constantly shifting in and out of phase.

the oh - when you say stereo there were 2 oh mic's - one to stage left of the kit and one to stage right of the kit.
I have been working on this all day. It is a really good song. This is something different for me as I have never mixed this genre or something with so much bleed and all and it really is great to get this kind of experience mixing something else. Thanks for the files man!
hey your very welcome postmortem1666. i know what you mean by this is very different. for years i've been playing in metal bands shredding away like mad and ok im still in metal bands but as a side project this is so different to that i am used to doing. its great fun! all the lads are great! and congrats to our drummer. he only has 3 fingers.

as for a mix i totally agree that its something new. personally i found i didnt have a clue what to do when mixing it. i never listen to this type of stuff so i dont know how o should eq the kick accordingly.

ps: thats creepy - i have a picture of my peavey 6505 head just like that except taken from the other side. haha
oh you'll find the fender guitar there are major volume drops in it because when the guitarist was swapping tones throughout the song they had it comp'd at the desk so the levels were kicked up but the actual recording of the amp is staggered. some bits are loud some are quiet. that may be a problem.
oh when you download them both i think there is a file joiner on the site. someone else would be better off to answer that - there my files so im hardly gona download them. sorry sptz...someone will post back how to hopefully.
Yeah there is a joiner that you download where you choose what files you want (part 1 or 2). After it is downloaded just move it to the folder to the 2 parts are in and double click it and it will combine them and give you a new zip folder with the files and delete the others.
Trying to merge the files but the joiner only wants to join .badongo files. Not .aa or .ab files.
did you try renaming the files so their extension changes to a .badongo file type? or perhaps there was an error in downloading the files.

i prob should of picked something like megaupload or something but my upload speed sucks - ill be here forever if i were to upload it again.

hjsplit should join the file types together. i've used it loads of times. its a java application as far as i remember. just pick the two files in the application and hit join. hjsplit is not a badongo owned application so it shouldnt look for a .badongo file type