Who wants to mix my Indy / Rock / Dance College band!!!

1mb! outch! and i thought i was bad on a 3mb connection - nice pic fabz! haha.

as for winrar im pretty new to macs (only had it since august) and on windows there was a winrar GUI but on mac i think i tried before it was only a terminal command console which i dont really know how to use yet.
YAY! :)! ahh class! cant wait to hear all these mixes!!! its gona be tough to pick which one i like the best!

free steak dinner and a bottle of vodka at my house for the best mix!
I've finshed cleaning the wavs, tomorrow I'll start to mix it actually. It took me ages to make those Ftom tracks usable... The mics didnt get the floor more than the overallnoise. I decided to give a try using drumagog to replace all snare kick and tom, we'll see what it will give !
ok the steak is bought! haha! yea there is quite a bit of spill on the mics, see we played through a huge pa. it was well over 20,000 watts and it was pumped pretty high and there were i think about 6 stage monitors too so there was lots of noise happening, blame the chaps at the desk for not gate'in the tracks, doubt it had anything to do with our pro tools room, they were just recording straight and the tv studio was just doing video.

if anyone needs to change the files form 24 bit i think you can load em into audacity (i know - shite application) but it converts them over to 32 bit or 16 bit or whatever you's use. and well the 44khz no one can hear more then that so thats grand

ya...ill shurrup now. GET MIXING BOYS & girls if there are any on the sneap forum (call me)!!!!!!

must find the vodka now - lets all go get shitfaced...lets all go get shitfaced...ah na na na HEY! ah na na na HEY!!!
Ohh thats sounding kick ass! i understand what your saying about the vocals. i really like the "megaphone" effect you have on the vocals at the chorus/pre-chorus whatever it is. sounds fucking great!

the only problem i think i would have is its lacking like...a punchy sound, its not "in your face" enough. i think the kick needs to thump more, the bass needs to push more in the mix and the vocals need some sort of spread effect like a wide field chorus (slow speed) or something to fill it out and remove the kind of "live" aspect from the track.

but fuck! for your 1st mix it sounds great! cant wait to hear more if your willing!

and the rest of you guys on the forum have quite a bit to live up to now! cant wait to hear everyone else's mix!

ahh there is a big smile across my face now! thanks so much for the mix!
Well I tried to sound less metal ahah. But yeah, it's hard to have these guitars "in your face" while having the sweet keys. And as there is only one track of voice and guitars I couldnt manage to make them louder. I will try to keep the soft part of the song the same, and add some punch. Anyway thanks, congrats to the song that is cool !
haha well i know the clean guitar has volume problems throughout the song. maybe some volume automation would be able to bring it up in the mix more. i dont mind a kind of metal edge to the song. we are trying to create something different.

eg: im the metal guitar player in the band (although i dont really play much hardcore stuff in this band - lol)
our drummer is kind of everything. jazz - indy - metal
singer is pure indy
other guitarist is kind of indy / ska
out bassist...fucking hell...he's like a bluegrass / metal / r&b man - he's a legend!

so were trying to incorporate everything into this band to make a new sound. we dont want to be another fucking kings of leon or snow patrol or killers band.
Work in progress attempt, just so others can see what its like before downloading 500MB ;p

Snare was really thin - did you gate it while recording? I had to replace it :/

Also - how do the pros get such good sounding, NATURAL toms? No offence to mick or anyone else but all the real drums I've seen posted here have pretty bad toms... the low-end is all jumbled up and it just sounds weak. Probly gonna have to replace them too.

The rest is really good. For this mix I still have a lot to work on. Namely giving the snare more punch, automating the clean guitar, putting toms in ;p, etc. Lemme know if anything else?

edit: whoops, might want the DL link. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/324723/Gentlemen.mp3
It's strange cause your voice track has the same live sounding. I can't manage to make it sound less live. It's like it's changing volume everytime but even compressed the effect still stays... Strange !

And yeah I just replaced all the drums too, I spent an hour cutting the mix to find the hits for the floor one ! Horrible !